1Farrel O Shea82,69
2Steve Thorp80,3
3Ian Richards78,4
4Stuart Trunkfield77,01
5Adam Gustafsson76,47
6Howard Rowson75,81
7Mark Hayford71,73
8Richard Hobson70,56
9Paul Burgess69,58
10Will Trossell68,88
11Peter Crook66,22
12Graham Turner62,33
13Mike Pacey61,86
14Chris Browne60,6
15Graham Clegg58,99
16Simon Thompson57,45
17Mike Pacey40,86
First time on the water since March. Couldn't get into the swing of things today. I think it time for my kit to be upgraded...then again it I'll probably get another 20 years out of it!
Well done Tristan "Hasty" Haskins - Fantastic open water speed!
Got there really early 7:40am and waited until literally 30mins before high tide, wall was then breached. 
After tide went out, wind veered more WNW to NW and increased to a gusty 30-35knots wall worked and was broad enough to stay 6.0 for the whole day. 

Bottom end was hell again with this horrible rolling chop made for some scary stops and long walks back.

Oh and one major stop lol... really hurt lol

All in all great day, loved every second and now cant walk properly lol (sore feet from climbing out of the lake, who ever designed the new wall material want shooting...) At one point we needed a 50 calibre machine gun on the wall to discourage freestylers for tricking as close to the was as possible and causing some very scary moments for many.

Great seeing some old faces and meeting some new please be windy alot more this is so much fun..
Nice day. Due to not getting in till 4am and suffering a major hang over, I missed the morning sesh. First time on the F2008's and had them rigged in-correctly at first. One the settings were sorted, they felt much nicer. Managed new PS's for 100m, 250m and max display so well chuffed. Next time its like this, I'll try a smaller fin, the 26cm was sometimes giving a bit to much lift/drag.

Great day.
Arrived early 7am was going to have a freestyle session as I had sold the slalom board I was gonna used.  Had a Tushingham 6.4 X15 in the van just incase I could nik a board off someone, and as if by magic Mr Pacey was on hand. So thanks Mike for the load of the PJ board.  First time out on GPS, slalom boards and multi cams sails in 8 years and loved every minute.  Will be deffo for next session.  Speed board will be ordered this week!!!  Nice to see everyone and thanks for the help setting GPS up.  Cheers Gumpy
not to bad considering i reaaly struggled to get settled down and then twisted my knee which made it even harder. need some proper speed stuff
Cracking day, but I think that I'll have to agree with most and say the wind and water have been a bit fudged by the new wall and my feet are in ribbons from it's side too.
I guess it just wasn't as windy as it looked today, my weight jacket was half full and I never really struggled to hold the 5.7, only really feeling lit in the top corner.
Great to see so many keen speedies and catch up with everyone. Seems the times are getting closer too.
Well done to Faz who's shown us the way again.
some pics on my site tomorrow..

The new West kirby is not like the old west kirby since the wind has a bit less juice in it due to the wall refurbishments.. but the atmosphere is better than ever...Had a great day sailing on new equipment, fantastic to see everyone... except all the freeriders, at one point i had to sail through a 1m gap between someone and the wall at over 40knots..A spat the dummy a couple of times too so sorry everyone about the bad language!! XS nice board and strike good fin combo, although i was not dialed in today and my sailing fitness was poor. Big thanks to Thorpy for lending me his 5.2 which has a fantastic COE and gives plenty of drive, power and pulls you into a nice upright stance.
Drive back did in 4 and a bit hours after a few red bulls... thats def a PR.
My peak speeds were decent all day but 10 sec averages way down, but so what..was a top day.
Gonna spend the next few months doing a bit more sailing in Cornwall over the winter so see you all up at kirby in 2010..
Arrived 8.00am to be greeted by a light souwesterley(ooops). By 12.30 after much tea coffee/ making, wind veered to 30 +Knots westerley, 40+ knots forecast never quite made it though and 5.8 was about right all day.
By old WK standards the course felt hard work, never really smooth or super slick but still great fun.
Congrats to Will for first 40 knots on the dial, shame you had to go just as it was getting good, next time mate.
Thanks Cathy and Paul for loveley dinner and digs, looking forward to next time.  
40 knot barrier broken at last!! eac session is a pb at the moment! I slogged away all morning in square conditions knowing I had to leave at 1pm and couldn't break throuh 39 knot peaks. Just as my time was up the wind turned west and I got an great run down the wall, awesome to see 40kts on the dial. Time to work on the average next. Good to put some more names to faces
Session comments and USM report to follow.
Th struggle continues.

 Only my third days windsurfing after a 15year break. Need to get fit!


Not a good day for me took a spectacular big wipe out when my boom snapped special thanks for the guys who helped me out of the water

Ended up in hospital with concussion along with bruised ribs and torn muscles and ligaments in my left arm feeling a bit sore today

Thanks again guys I was totally disorientated at the time took 1 hour before I came back to my senses I think.

Need to get some new sails Now

Well done Darren on getting your 40.06 knots Not bad for a Fat Boy

Gump did well for his first time on the GPS

Ps got a lot of photos of the day will sort them out and will post them soon

Glad you're ok Mike, didn't realise you'd had such a beating.

Few pics up now..

Roll on the next one!
At last I have hit the BIG 40, a gazzilion Thanks to Adam Gustaffson and Steve Thorpe who gave me a few valuable pointers.

Getting realy into the Speed surfing scene.

Thanks to all and a real great atmosphere.

A bit of a rush job to get this new Neil Pryde Tempo 6.2 sail on the water

Only got 4 runs lost some data so the average is pretty low but did get a max speed display of 34.076 knots / 39.22mph

for an inexpensive sail not bad

Early start wasnt the best idea, times got much better through the day after the tide had turned. Still felt like I have alot of work to do to set myself back into the right feeling on the water, felt over powered when i shouldnt have been. Board and sail combination all in all was excellent and I have to admit being the first time I have actually ran a speed board down the wall in 13 years and only my 3rd time on the water in 4 years I am really quite happy with the results. Fins are definitely my next purchase, the stock 26 for the W49 really did feel big at time when the best runs came along. Main issue is my harness, I just couldnt get comfortable with 26" lines felt like I was sitting alot instead of driving out.... Maybe try 24" lines next time or switch to a seat harness.
Cant wait for the next blow....
Slight late changes to the forecast, held the wind on  a wsw approach until the clearance of the cold front early afternoon.

Hit the water around 3pm with 25-30kts blowing in from the west to WbN. Around 4pm the wind picked up a notch with some half decent 30-35kts gusts. Picked up on a decent run which felt smooth and clean with a pb peak of 42.92 and a nice 42.13 10s.

On the sail to wind back up the lake I was head to head with an out of control freerider grappling with the big chop. I had to crank hard to wind to avoid a collision, lost the tail, leeward rail dug in and I ate the 55 stealth looping thru the gear, trashing the foot panel on the way past. Stayed out for another run as the wind was solid 30-35kts, made a 41.5 peak, but the sail was shot. Came in to change up to the 6m.
45 Mins later I was back out, but missed the best of the wind and a potential 42+ 10s avg. sailed til dark with 2-3 semi lit runs on the 6m with 42+ vmaxes making the most of the 25-30kts blowing in from the WbN flow

Still a great day wth some sweet Pb's for many