1Pete Young78,98
2Ian Richards78,22
3Martin van Meurs78,05
4Oisin van Gelderen77,08
5Steve Thorp76,43
6Andy Holland76,01
7Pete Davis75,7
8Jim Crossley74,9
9Michael George74,54
10Matthew York72,63
11Neil Hardwick72,11
12Jon White71,6
13Gildas Bechet69,4
14Mark Hayford68,59
15Tristan Haskins67,83
16Stephen Lawless65,07
17Mark Ingram64,11
18John Overmeer63,63
19Duncan Adam61,47

Frustrating day!  Started on the 6.0 but decided to try the 5.5, tried messing with downhaul, mast track position but nothing seemed to make much difference.  You could have been on a 7.0 or 5.5 at times.


Seemed to be a luck of getting the right gust

Oh dear ! I have lots of love for my Moo... but I am still not getting to grips with it on moderate / squarish days. Think I might get a W44 or Falcon 45 for these type of days. Don't think we'll see many PB's today - but I will class this a PW (personal worst) !! Great fun though - and brilliant to see everyone down there smiley

Thank to everyone who gave me some great advice today,with sail setting and Martin VM for  his wisdom and supplying me a lovely new 20 fin,It never got out of shape today with this  fantastic fin

Congrats Andy great speeds today must be cooking on gas...........

A tough day at the Kirb but I felt like I was sailing well and I wasn't too far off the pace.

A new PB for peak speed - 43.68 knots (over 50mph / 80kph) and 500m - 39.13 knots (over 45mph). Not quite 40 knots for the benchmark distance but I'm getting closer!

I also equalled my previous PB of 40.25 knots for 5 x 10s, right to the hundredth of a knot!

The new Evo 5 felt awesome and I got on well with the Moo assy as well. 

great day , depite black eye ,sore cheek . fat lip and a  smashed carbon boom .

cold sunny and square ish , but windy and great to be back at da kirb

pb for me just , but still happy with that , gopro footage on youtube later

cracking day , nice to see loads of speedies there . big respect to ian richard who sailed a blinder after recoving from an ill ness

well done all who got pbs

until the next time :)

Good fun today and several lessons learn't. Veeerryy gusty and very square, 260 degrees a guess. Stuck at work in the morning but finally got on the water at 3pm. I keep forgetting Im over 100kg and the 5.7m never gave me one lite up run and wasted lots of energy just getting the 54 litre W44 going. Didn'y really have time to re-rig a bigger sail but I guess the 65 litre W49 could have been a quick fix, dont know why I didn't get it out?? I should defo have rigged the 6.3m. In future, the 5.7m will only come out of its bag when its a solid/steady 40k. For gusty stuff, the 6.3m is the way forward for me. Nice to see so many speedies out. Congrats to Matty on your PB and nice to sail with Neil H again after a hecktic year. Shit result for me but still fun and learning:) 

First time out on my Isonic Speed. Board / Sail / Fin combination was well balanced. A good afternoon with a PB :-)

Cold, but good day at Kirby. It was a bit square so not a classic day, but good for 500m runs and very happy with two runs at over 40 knots and the fastest I have been at Kirby. It was great to catch up with old friends, it was a fantastic turnout with peole coming from all over on a cold Monday! Result.

Its a bit of a pain not owning a 6.3 at the moment but I compensated by using a bigger board/fin combo which worked ok.Some runs even with s29 fin!

great day at kirby as usual but i did get pretty cold, thats up north for ya!

Everybody flocked to WK to scratch an itch on a dodgy was very square

I couldn't get it going despite changing sails fins and settings...I was a couple of knots off the pace I would have liked. 

A bit square on the course but a good start to the year.

I forgot to say... I had the biggest sail of everyone, lol.

Cracking day in West Kirby. 

Not fully broad, but great to be out, and see so many friendly faces having fun.

Tried lots of kit, and finally nice to meet MvM in person after all this time.


Great day at Kirby, with a great turn out. Been a long time since we've had fast conditions, -since June!

Would have been nice to put the new sails at the top today, but don't think that was ever going to happen with a 40 wide and 5.2 in square and comparatively light conditions, luckily found one decent gust. A good day for tuning though.

Congrats to everyone who did well in the tricky conditions, especially a certain first timer who I think has some pretty impressive times for his first go!

Met Martin 950 km. gereden naar West Kirby; zowel heen als terug in donker. Twee nachten nauwelijks geslapen. Prachtige ervaring; uitstekende spot met vele sympathieke mensen.

Anderen schreven het reeds, de wind was niet ruim genoeg, wat juist voor lichtgewichten extra nadelig is., dus geen pr's maar toch fijn gesurfd.

Vandaag net als Andy (WK) en Barry (Horst) voor het eerst met een UFO wide 30 gevaren en ben er net als hun zeer enthousiast over.

Met de 18 cm. heb ik zowel ruim varend over vlak water als hoog lopend over fikse shop, volle bak vol vertrouwen gevaren en niet één keer een neiging tot wegslippen gevoeld. De vin liep zo goed hoogte dat ik gemakkelijk, zonder terug wandelen over de dam, door de ruige shop naar m'n startpunt kon terugvaren.

Fun day at West Kirby with a great showing of English Speed addicts. We all were a little unlucky the wind did''t fill in as promised but still it was a great day. I brought my bussy John hoping he could smash his personal best but the wind just wasn't there for him to do it plus he had a little difficluties with the angle. Still I think he loved the sailing.

I did some nice fin testing waiting for the big winds to arrrive later but they didn't. the ASY 19 I started out with  was too small for the light winds. I later used the Weed Speed 20 to test how it would handle the runs bearing off into the chop and it went great. The second up till 5th fastest runs werre srt with that one. When I switched to the ASY 22 the wind got better for a while but dropped again I got in one nice run on it and could really feel the power and trust it gave. I got to see Oisin who posted the articles in boardseeker (thanks for that mate!)  and met some new guys I didn't meet before so all in all a pleasant day and a worthwhile trip to start the year.

Thanks guys and for sure see you later this year as grandpa John needs to feel how West Kitrby really can be like :-)

Great to be back at West Kirby after a year break, after having the Norvo virus all week and losing about 3 kg, I was'nt feeling too up for it. Finally made some runs and eventually got a bit dialed. All was going well till my vintage RS6 gave up the ghost... Think I missed some decent wind after but was knacked anyway.

Great turnout of speedies from UK, Holland, and Ireland, it was quite busy. Think a few people scored some PBs Mike George in particular was going well on his Evo 5 sails.

Hope its not a year till we are back again!!