1Jean-marc Degrelle78,7
2Laurent Fesquet75,81
3Patrick Depoorter75,33
4Dirk Hacha75,21

Day 5, Monday
Arrived on the beach at 9.30 am for my 5th surfing day in a row.
The circumstances seemed perfect......but I was there alone (!?). Fortunately, Pat and JM arrived a little later and we were able to enjoy LF at its best with 3, and later with a 4th Loftsailor, Laurent.
My 5.4 was too big on the square course, only when steering a little downwind I could lock and accelerate my set, but then it soon became very tricky.
After 5 runs on the edge it was urgent time for a break.
After an hour a further attempt followed, but the wind had even increased a little. Did another 3 runs, but the last one was that run too much. Fortunately could reach de beach safe and sound.
It was undoubtedly a possible PR day, but only Pat brought his PR home!
He could let his set run loose nicely, completely under control. Big congratz! And with 5 good runs there is still room for improvement.

Personnaly I never had a LF trip with 5 sailing days in a row, so I'm also very pleased. The next 2 days, there is (really ;-) no wind predicted, so time to enjoy the summertime with my wife.

The next day...

43.68 kt max          PB     80.89 km/h max

Yesterday one or two runs showed that my set was fast. Adding some spacers, and the new Loftsails extention making it possible to trim the sails perfectly as I wanted, made the 5.1m² faster than the 5.6m². Finaly!

I used 6kg extra weight.+ 2liter water in the camelback made it 8kg extra to start with. Yesterday the wind dropped before I got a decent avg, today I was lucky!

Dirk and I were first to rig, after a while Jean-Marc came and he was first in the water. We followed soon. Just the 3 of us in good speed conditions. I managed to do 5 good runs in 1 hour, pr time!

After lunch Laurent joined us. It was magical, only 4 Loftsails Speed Blade's on the water in a hard tramontana up to 50kt. I Managed to better 2 runs after lunch in very difficult conditions,  and bring the avg to this point 40.68 kt- 75.33 km/h :) it felt completly in control.

From here on, I consider myself as a member of the 40kt club 

This was by far the best session I've sailed here, and not only in terms of speed, but being only 4 of us, brings a relaxed way of speedsailing and the company was great!

Tnx to for the great support!

43.68 kt max          PB     80.89 km/h max

42.95 kt 2s             PB    79.55 km/h   2s

41.62 kt 10s run     PB    77.08 km/h   10s run

40.68 kt avg           PB     75.33 km/h   avg

2 times 80+ top speed, (gw-60): 

80,60km/h 43.52kt

80,89km/h 43.66kt

File GT-31






first hour was beautiful,

after,wind increased and it was to strong and square pour speed up ,

congrats for your peeds , patrick !!