1Anders Bringdal74,4
2Jacques van der Hout74,31
3Wouter de Vries73,76
4Markus Emanuelsson72,18
5Marcus Richardson71,46
6Barry van Lingen70,98
7Hans Kreisel70,63
8Daniel Borgelind70,28
9Marcus Richardson70,03
10Ulf Sjostedt69,56
11David Kruse68,65
12Erik Larsson68,58
13Robert Stavnas68,48
14Roger van Tongeren68,16
15Sven Kempers67,91
16Tobias Hed67,84
17Lars Dahl67,58
18Mattias Jildestad66,77
19Anders Bjorkqvist66,12
20Manfred Malcorps64,8
21Ulf Breselius62,39
22Olaf Seeberg62,24
23Peter Kremsl61,61
24Jan de Jonge60,85
25Marcus Backlund58,08
26Micael Svensson56,87
27Thomas Althin51,98
28Jan de Jonge50,87
29Daniel Tobiasson42,06
30Jan Lagerstedt38,26
First day of the Speed Challenge at Oland. Great atmosphere and perfect speedsailing at Haga Park.
Made my runs a bit too short. JvdH, WdV and AB were flying!
second heat on a perfect spot, I had to chase Barry a few times to get some decent speeds in spite of the big board.
Eerste heat was niks, te groot getuigd, toen maar de gelijk de 5.8 erop. voelde een stuk beter aan. Laatste heat was het vetrouwen terug en kon een stuk dichter langs de kant, kwam toen iets power te kort.
Erg leuk evenement, en super om de snelle mannen aan het werk te zien.
Very nice day in Sweden. Made some wrong matrerial choice's but still happy with the results. This result is the average over  3 sessions. The swedish are very relaxed people and the atmosphere is very good.
After driving from Holland to Sweden the whole night together with Wouter we felt a little bit broken. In the morning not the expected wind, so we felt really unlucky.
The organisation decided to make a call for the south of the island at Haga Park.
There we got the unexpected 30 knots! Bonus.
Very nice day.
lekker dagje varen.
3 heats gevaren van een uur. De beste 2 runs tellen voor de wedstrijd.
Nya grejor Valdigt overriggad med 6,8 i 15 ms Mne jag korde ialla fall Nya tag imorgon da djavlar
Nice day in Sweden at the Heineken trophy good winds and had a lot of fun not very pleased with my results because i now i can do better  
heat 1 in the middle of the sea, I discovered to late everybody went to a sand bank
Heat 3
Absolutly great day of competition!
What a great avent! 
Many thanks to all of you who were there!
Original Tabou fin 34 cm
Wonderful competotion !
Heat 2.

Första tävlingen. körd som en galning men på fel ställe. såg de andra på ett kanon ställe. åkte upp på slutet på andra hitet men var för trött och för stor bräda får jag skylla på när det inte gick bättre. är här för att lära. Hoppas det går bättre på någon annan tävling.
super kul med många glada speedare från alla hörn
Mycket bra tävling
helt klart en tävling att minnas.

Added by Tobias Hed
first day competition at the AHD Speed Challange in Öland, super fun day competing and very nice to see so many good racers, had a bad sail choice in the second heat but manage to improve my PB a bit so i´m super happy with that. Nice too see all you dutch guys up here in sweden, sporting blue steel all over the place =)

Combined tracks from all 3 heats in the Heineken Trophy.

Can't add it as an event because it's over closing time..
We were very lucky with the winds on this first racing day and I was very happy to get a feeling how good Haga Park can be.
A shame I couldn't get myself going, I tried everything but nothing helped so speeds are very very dissappointing....

Better luck in the revenge race!!
Waarom heeft de nummer 1 nog niet gepost??
Sista tävlingsdagen på Öland.
first day of AHD GPS challenge. Dissapointed with my result. I did not have the confidence to really let go in the constant small chop. But I hope that I have learnt something to the next time.
Really impressive speed from a lot of the sailors.

Used Stealth 6,4 and Choco Mach1 30 cm on some of the runs.
Gammal session för egen statistik

Old one for fun stats...