1Dylan de Jong64,05
2Ralf Ewers63,79
3Robert Hofmann63,74
4Jurjen van der Noord63,38
5John Skye62,68
6Alexander G Buch62,33
7Jeroen Helmers62,01
8Alexander G Buch59,57
9Gerard ten Berge56,03
10Jan Hendrik de Bruin55,74
11Juan Herrero55,33
12Juan Herrero54,97
13Jean-Charles Le Tarnec53,05
14Günter Jansen52,89
15Tom Kettler49,37
Backup device, better 250m speeds, less topspeed. For the competition the wrong device....

Der 27 Juni sollte ein schöner Tag werden. Dieser Tag hat ja auch super angefangen. Nochmals " Danke" Leider hat sich der Tampen, an meiner Gabel immer und immer wieder, gelöst. Salzwasser gesoffen,..... Das reicht jetzt, für die nächste Woche. Beim Wind 8-22 Knoten das stimmt. Das war in den letzten Wochen hier nicht so schlimm. Wie sagt Mati, kaka Wind. Das kann nur besser werden. Nach einer Runde ohne Bojen ist alles wieder ok und ich freue mich schon auf den 28 Juni. Super gefahren Ralf .          Grüße an alle Kupels in Ool und auf Fuerte: Günter



First racing day. Low wind conditions. A second place on the ranking YESSS smiley

Second day, good weather, wind not so strong, difficult to get it right today.... but no complaints :) BD & DJ where flying today....

tough to get started, huge lack of wind at the beginning (before the buoys)  which gave me a load of probs to get started. the runs itself were not fast but fun, took the big board (first time use) to have more chance to get on the plane that worked a bit, but turned out not be fast and a hand full on the way back but again good fun to be on the water.


Day 1 of the Dunkerbeck GPS Challenge. The wind was really light so a bit disappointed with the speeds, but in the results it was not so bad. I think 2nd in Canaries champs, and 6th overall. Mixed up the gear, including 7.8/XF90 and 7.0/49cm speed, but in the end the best speed was with the 7.8. Hoping for more wind in the next days to reach that ellusive 40kts!

Kon de hoogte onder de kant niet pakken, later met een grotere vin ging het beter, maar was de wind weer minder..... Maar om met 40 andere surfers over de baan te gaan, geeft toch wel een extra dimensie....! Leuk om mee te maken!

Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge 2015 - Canarian Championship - First Roud

Wind was awfuly light but I got fourth position. In fact in the firsts published classification list I was third but some other guy called John Sky came with his amazing results an got second position, so , nexte time to be on the podium. Only to say one thing in my favour. I was beaten by three very good racers and very young too.

Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge 2015 - Canarian Championship - Second Roud - (last one)

Wind was awfuly light again and I got fourth position again. Again to say one thing in my favour. I was beaten by three very good racers and very young too.

( George you're not lossing to much at the moment. Wind to light and very hot. We'll train a lot this winter for the next year Championship).

Finally found the right set up for the conditions and very very happy to finish 2nd for the day behind Bjorn. Bjorn is in a league of his own being 1.5kts ahead, but its getting a little closer than the first day. 

I almost lost everything today when I tried to download my card before handing it in to the guys. I took the card out before turning off the GPS and thought I had lost everything. Thankfully Dylan sorted it out easily, but I think maybe this posted session includes 1 run from yesterday too.

Hopefully more wind tomorrow... still along way off the elusive 40kts!

Speed Challenge Fuerteventura

Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge

Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge - ISWC Europeean Speed Championships 2015