1Chris Lockwood86,31
2Craig Spottiswood84,23
3Sam Parker83,12
4Ian Fox81,67
5Andrew Daff81,45
6Shelby Reilly80,64
7Craig Hollins80,32
8Mathew Robertson79,19
9Meta Sindos76,52
10Anthony Hamood75,73
11Carl Macdonald74,38
12Craig Hammond69,6
13Luke Wigglesworth49,01
went a long way today :)

I got home from a 2 hour bike ride and checked the forecast again, after deciding a few days beforehand that it would be a bit indulgent of me to go over to SP again so soon after the last trip. I was also thinking I should wait until my 42cm board was finished, and the new sails turned up so I could get some testing done. But I got an itch and decided on impulse to check flights. Before I knew it I'd sort of organised transport to and from the airport at either end, and booked some flights. Then I had to get my speed board from the factory which was locked because James from Nude was in hospital getting something fixed (!). I did some packing and got a bit of work on my old crusty laptop to do while I was there. The flights were really expensive on the day before the blow so I went a day early.
Matt picked me up from the airport and I spent the next day at his place working. It was a late flight and on his way out the door in the morning he forgot to give me the security key to get back in so I was locked in all day. No probs- work got done.
It blew pretty hard at times overnight, and the tide stayed in longer than expected the next morning since it was quite a high one. We got in and got the mission done. Wind was very Westerly, making it impossible to sail back to the launch area most of the time. It occasionally swung a little more to a favourable WSW direction.
There were plenty of people there to enjoy the conditions. There were a few interstate convoys- it had been a while since the forecast looked this good, but closer to the day the wind crept a bit too far back to the west. We made the most of it!
I wore 5kg of weight since there was a lot of walking, and I didnt want to be burnt out too quickly in case the wind swung more to the WSW. Later in the day this is what happened, but the tidal flow was quite severe resulting in some pretty solid standing waves plus the usual 30cm high following chop towards the end of the run. Next time I should have some more fitness to carry more weight. This will make a difference for sure.
The wind seemed to be a bit better earlier on in the day and my fastest runs were my first few. It was quite gusty and there were a few rain squalls coming through. On one of the squalls I launched from the opposite sand bar and sailed a long way towards the far dunes. My goggles were fogged up and covered in sand, and it was raining quite hard so I really couldnt see the chop. I decided to go by feel as long as I could make out the edge of the sandbar, and anyone in front of me. So I went for it. It was unreal. My board just mowed down the chop so I kept going. When the tidal standing waves got to a critical height and spacing I started to feel the board getting a bit unstable so I slowed down. When I got to the end of the run and saw the rolling chop breaking on the sand bar with standing wave coming back upwind I couldnt believe I made it that far at that speed.
As the tide raced in all too soon the wind angle started to improve. I tried sailing back to the launch area on one run since the angle looked good, and lost my back foot in a bullet gust, sending me crashing into the sail and breaking 2 battens. Oops. The tide was getting a bit close to the cars so time was running out so I did another couple of runs with the broken battens and still managed a 46kt peak. The angle was much better but the wind had dropped and the tidal flow was making the water rough.
We shared the run with a couple of kiters including Luke who hopped over from NZ- the optional state of Aus (when it suits). He lives closer to SP than I do. I guess he is one of the few guys that can say "it isnt such an easy place to go fast after all". Hope you enjoyed the trip though.
All up I'm pretty sure I got a PB on the 5x500m of 45.3kts. I did 13 runs total.

Lots of people at the Pit today and why not, the sun was shining, the birds were grounded and the wind was mostly howling, sometimes not a lot and sometimes crap its windy !!!!! Didn,t have a good start, broke the bolt that holds the spring to the trailer in one of our world famous pot holes. Luckly the trailer behaved its self and didn,t roll over and crash. Jambed a screw driver into the spring, a bit of gaffa tape and string, all fixed. Tide was in so off to Daffys to catch up with Slowy and the crew. Started to rig the 5 and broke the main batten. Crap migh be a bit too much for the 5.8, Daffy to the rescue with a spare Ka 4.9 and in green to match the board. Wink

First run down 43.2 peak with the harness lines all over the place, boom wrong height, mast track wrong. Must have hit a black cat some where, but a 43 first run. Its going to be a good day Tongue out Chased squalls all day and lucked into a few with Slowly and Sam and spiked a 45. Only a few knots slower than them Yell Finished the day stuffed, happy and with a beer supplied by Sam. We must let him in more often. Hard work to get into position for the gusts, but great fun. Happy Happy Happy Kato Laughing CA 40, Ka/Loc 21 Assy,Ka 4.9 Koncept

There was people crawling out of the woodwork from all over the place today,and some damn fine wind!
A couple of runs on borrowed gear at the end of the day, 3 years since I been on a speed board.

I felt safer on my Kite at 50 knots than 41 knots on the windsurfer today. Nothing like not speed windsurfing for three years and borrowed gear than you know nothing about.

Had nice kite surf once I got home to New Zealand, same storm but produced a 52.95 peak and a 47.76 Average ( A PB for the Month) A few windsurfer were sailing today on our course at Kaipara. It made produce some fast times for Winsurfing  soon

Great catching up with all the Pit Crew. Well done on all the PB's today.
Day 2 at Sandy with Choco, Hamma, a few locals, nsw guys and Chris Lockwood - great to catch up again.  Happy to get my 40 knot average.
Got to love Sandy Point. Well worth the 10 hour drive and grief from the wife for some PB's.
First time out on the board and sail and they both felt amazing. So comfortable and relaxed in some pretty decent chop at times.
Well done Sam on your PB's, that is a really  great 500 meters time,  Thanks for the help with the footstraps.
Brilliant day for a mission.
Best day this year by far. Just could not get into the timing of the squalls so it was hard to get a good average.

Great trip down to Sandy Point Vic. What a place thanks to the Pit Crew for openning the boarder and hospitality. Wind was pretty broad not the easiest session give the lack of sailing this year. Finally go to ride the Exocet Warp speed SL 50 matched with the Lockwood McDougal 23 Sym Fin and KA Koncept 5m.

Big thanks to Sam Leo and Chris great company to sail with.