Low wind sessie
Vandaag mijn Nieuwe gasoil asy 23 getest.
het was een feest om mee te varen( volle bak controle)
Marco top vin
fun day at the dijk! most of the time I enjoyed myself behind the long wall doing some alphas and stuff. couldnt find speed mode at the sandbank but had fun nevertheless!
Coros Posting, since the GW60, which was faster does not give accurate date info.
Nice day today with Remco, Rolf, Raymond and also Edu was there.
73,65 AvG on the GW60, but cannot post it unfortunately
Lekker gevaren maar de voorspelde wind kwam helaas niet. Daarom maar wat Alpha's gaan draaien.
Unexpected but nice session Swapped the 50 for the 56, fastest run with the 50 The storms changed the layout of the spot a lot. Top soil has been washed away and on a few places the rocks they used for shapping are close to the water surface. According to the GPS data 1m of sand is gone..... It was impossible to surf close to the beach due to the big boulders
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