

COROS has developed a tailor made workout mode that enable instant feedback on the water for all our major categories. The current release of this native speedsurfing mode is available for all COROS APEX 2, APEX PRO (2) & VERTIX (2) owners, 


Michael George has released an in depth step-by-step guide how to setup a Coros device the right way for, please check it out here ->


How does the COROS GPS work ?

  • The basic process is that a GPS device takes measurements, makes calculations and logs data, a filter application cleans the data (like GPS-Results and GPSAR Pro) and the filtered results are posted on GP3S websites. Some devices, like the gw-60, produce additional output error data which enables the filter application to verify the data and filter out untrustworthy data. Other devices like the Garmin and Suunto devices output only positional data without this error data, which makes it harder to verify the accuracy. The Coros device outputs Raw data with error information which is filtered (processed) in the Coros backend. The processed data is sent to GP3S websites and once again filtered by GPS-Results and published on the website.

Does the Coros GPS Watch use Doppler?

  • Yes, like almost any other GPS device in the world the Coros uses Doppler. However, for the validation of data this is not enough. For example, devices with u-blox chips produce additional output error data which can be used to verify the data. With the latest Coros firmware the error & accuracy data is accesible in open format (.FIT) and can be accessed both local & in the GP3S Cloud for additional verification. GP3S has also access to the RAW data in the Coros Backend.

Will sessions posted with the Coros device have the ‘green’  icon ?

  • Yes, Since we have the additional error data to calculate verified speeds. All sessions posted with the specific Coros Devices and posted with auto-sync will have the 'green' icon

Will this be the only approved device for ?

  • No, as mentioned before, we will fully continue to support all approved devices that are currently used at GP3S websites, and we encourage other manufactures to make new devices suitable for our platform. There is no need to buy a new devices when you have a good working device !

Can i check the results of the data with local analytics software like GPS-Results or GPS Action Replay

  • Yes, with the current release of the firmware you can verify your track with GPS-Results, we expect GPS Action Replay to follow soon. The developers of both software products are involved in the development and testing process. Please make sure you use the latest version so the tracks produced with the new firmware can be processed correctly. 

The Coros GPS Watches use specific GPS Chipsets, does this mean we can use any device with this similar chipsets ? 

  • No, The Coros firmware is not available for non Coros devices, so these other devices will not use the algorithms we need and do not provide the additional data fields we use for validation. 

 How can I synchronize tracks from the Coros App directly to ?

  • Please setup the Coros devices following the standard procedure provide by the manufacturer.  After you have successfully signed up for the Coros platform you can connect this to GP3S, this is a one- time only setup procedure, when successfully connected every session recorded in WINDSURFING or SPEEDSURFING mode from your Coros will be pushed to GP3S. After that you can add gear, equipment, sessions details, etc with the normal posting procedure at GP3S.  To connect, please use this link ->  , or chose from “My Dashboard, My Coros” and proceed. 

Can I do a manual upload from my Coros watch to ?

  • When you chose not to connect the platforms you have to manually upload the session, please export your track to .FIT and follow the standard upload procedure as described at . For the best and most accurate results we advise you to use the automated synchronization procedure as described above. 

Are there any specific settings / install needed before using the Coros  ?

  • After installing the Coros Watch by the standard procedure from Coros all features are installed by default, you have choose SPEEDSURFING as workout mode. In general it's good to use the GPS/QZSS setting (can be changed SYSTEM, MORE SETTINGS, MODE...)