
Detail information event

Event name2011 King Of The Fjord
Start DateSunday, January 1, 2012
End DateMonday, July 1, 2013
Event contactinfoAnders Björkqvist
Event moderatorAnders Björkqvist

Event description and NOR





TTVK (Torkelstorp Vindsurfingklubb) arranges at Torkelstorp, 20 km south of Göteborg, Sweden, a rolling speedwindsurfing competition aimed at windsurfers of all ages and all skill levels. The competition runs from 1 May to 31 October.The purpose of this event is to have a broad form of competition where the very fun and a bit seriously is to try to compete in speedsailing.



To upload your best 250 meter run from the current race day in GPS We use the GPS devices allowed by GPS



All members of TTVK is automatically part of the competition when it posted a session from any of the advertised event dates. The participation fee for members is SEK 0. If you are not a member of TTVK so should you pay an entrance fee, SEK 100: - per contest opportunity within 24 hours prior to race day in the club bank transfer (give name and race day).


Contest Opportunity

Contest Dates are announced by the race officers by 18.00 the day before the TTVK.seand TTVK Group on Facebook. If possible, it will be an "early warning" about the planned event. Normally this contest is announced only if the forecast indicates an average wind speed above 20 knots on the part of the day when people usually leave from work. The benchmark for the launch event is at least one windsurfer must be able to run faster than 30 knots per contest opportunity. Unless someone passing a 250 meter speed of 30 knots the race will be invalid.

The competition area

To enter the competition you have to sail in the area north of Tjolöholms Peninsula, east of the Onsala peninsula and south of Hanhals. See image on

Best speed

We count only one of the participant's best 10 second average speed per race day.00.00-24.00. The session must be uploaded to the GPS Speedsurfing.comlater the same day. As a place to "Torkelstorp indicated. (Not "Torkelstorp Sea" etc).Furthermore, so you should mark the event as "King of the Fjord 2010. Be prepared to RTK can recover samples of your file. It is a requirement that the route will be sailing on the sea water. If the participant has an Amaryllo, GT11, GT31, GT35-GPS device, you should always use the timing from that device.


0.7 points to win, 2 points for 2nd place and so on. DNC gives last place plus 1 point.

1-2 sailing away count 0

3-5 sailing away count 1

6-8 sailing away calculator 2

9-11 sailing away count 3

12-14 sailing away counted 4


Each participant should take responsibility for himself and can be disqualified if he/she expose herself or others at unnecessary risk. If you use extra weights the weights must be supported by a vest or equivalent that provides a positive buoyancy of the weights. Wetsuit, etc. are not counted as flotation devices. Competition Management reserves the right to call off the contest at any time during the race day. Examples of reasons could be thunder, too much or too little wind or other reason. As the competition area is very large, it is important that all participants help each other if someone needs help. Failure to provide help to those who show emergency signal will be disqualified. Anyone who gives assistance to such an extent that he/she does not itself implement the competition can apply to have an estimated results of the race.


Just windsurfing equipment is approved. It is therefore the same rules that apply to GPS


During the regular season, the overall rankings appear on But when the contest is settled last October, so the winners of various categories of competitions be announced. Preliminary to the following classes will be available;


§      King Of The Fjord (The overall winner)

§      Queen Of The Fjord (winner of womens class)

§      Prince Of The Fjord (Winner of the junior class)

§      Princess Of The Fjord (Winner of the girl-junior class)

§      Kid Of The Fjord (up to 13)

§      Grand Master of the Fjord (+51)

§      Super Master Of The Fjord (+61)

§      Visitor Of The Fjord (best sailors who live farther than 200 km from the fjord)

§      Rookie Of The Fjord (appointed by the racing line)

§      Samaritan of the Fjord (if someone does something extraordinary)

§      Top Speed Of The Fjord (year's best 2-second note, only one price)

A trophy will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the event the class is composed of at least 10 participants. Otherwise, just be a plaque on a per class. It is possible for the sailors to win multiple categories. For example, if you are a diligent and caring junior you would theoretically be able to take home both the Princess, Queen, King, and Samaritan Rookie Of The Fjord in the same season!



The most important thing is not to win but to enjoy and have fun together!


More information at


Event update messages
