
Detail information event

Event name2022 Spanish Speed Challenge
Start DateSaturday, January 1, 2022
End DateSunday, January 1, 2023
Event contactinfoRaimundo Sala Albert
Event scope/areacountry

Event description and NOR

Start and finish dates : from 01 Jan 2022  until December 30th 2022

Venue: all Spanish Territory, mainland and islands


Welcome to the 2022 Spanish Speed Challenge, in which the Spanish (resident or citizen) sailing on Spanish waters, (lake or sea) will be crowned as the Fastest Spanish Windsurfer of the year and champion of the championship.

The event runs from January 1st 2022 until December 31th 2022.

The rules of the event are simple, Simply record your speed using your favourite GPS (see  ? For more info on recommended devices) and upload your sessions on you must first register in the event named "2022 Spanish Speed Challenge" and select the event when you post your session.

The champion will be the fastest sailor in completing 250m in these categories:

  • Youth
  • Female
  • Male

There will be a special price recognition for the the fastest in 500m and the fastest in the Nautical Mile.

For the 2022 Spanish Speed Challenge, we have secured two sponsors that will provide awesome prizes for the winners:

TribalFfins will provide wiht two speed feeds of choice, one for the Winner of top 250M and one of the Top speed in Spanish waters

Fuerteaction Stores, will provide to the 3 fastests 250M ryders a set of FuerteAction wear


Good luck to all Speed Spanish Sailors !!

Event update messages
