1Dennis De Pauw73,1
2Danny Verhaar70,44
3Jeroen Steenaard70,39
4Christoph Deus69,8
5Sander Wiltschut67,44
6Fabian Crombeen67,05
7Joeri de la Ruelle66,81
8Michael Smits66,01
9Peter van Dijke66,01
10Nathan Teljeur65,22
11Ferry Saber64,72
12Luuk Stevens64,42
13Tom Eliaerts62,13
14Paul Lampaert61,48
15Bart de Bruin59,19
16Nico van der Vaart58,06
17Matthias Koch57,25
18Brecht Lampaert57,19
19Marcel de Bok55,37
20Pieter Janssen54,28
21Marcel de Bok50,2

Top Top Top dag.... 

Had een max op de 117L van 75.88 :-) en horloge geeft 70.55 avg aan.

Eindelijk de medium speedboard over de 70avg, was echt leuk om te doen vandaag!

Helaas water in GPS gekomen en laatste 20km niets meer geregistreerd.. maar eens naar wat anders op zoek.

Wat dag was dit zeg 200% van genoten!!


The plan was to do an hour and alpha@500m at ZM around noon, and then go to Kwade Plaat for a speed session. Between 12h and 15h the wind turned out a lot lighter then predicted so I thought we also wouldn't have 30-40kn in the afternoon at the Plaat.

Did the hour with the new JP62 (first time) and Z SLM S 33cm. Wind was not strong enough and directing swung way too south from time to time... (upwind only 35km/u). It's a shame because I was really in the zone and didn't make any mistakes. All gybes fully planing, minimum speed during the hour was 9 knots. The new 62 really does gybe like a dream, soooo easy!

After the hour I switched to the JP54 with Z SLM S- 28cm (first time) and went to the outer dams. As soon as I saw +52 km/u alpha on my Suunto watch I started pushing as hard as I could. Ended up with 4 times above 53km/u and a massive 55,21km/u as max. The new SLM 28 is an absolute keeper, the fin performed amazing. Side note: max alpha on Suunto is 56,38km/u.

Only did 1 fast speedrun. Focussing more on runs and with the asy 25,5 I could have reached 75/76 avg but that was not the goal today ;-)

Congrats Brecht with your PR's, let's go to 70!

Wat een heerlijke sessie weer, was weer gezellig en stuk lekkerder dan gister qua drukte.

Lekker dagje het bleef maar waaien blij dat ik met 5,6 stond ;-)


The plan was to do an hour and alpha@500m at ZM around noon, and then go to Kwade Plaat for a speed session. Between 12h and 15h the wind turned out a lot lighter then predicted so I thought we also wouldn't have 30-40kn in the afternoon at the Plaat.

Did the hour with the new JP62 (first time) and Z SLM S 33cm. Wind was not strong enough and directing swung way too south from time to time... (upwind only 35km/u). It's a shame because I was really in the zone and didn't make any mistakes. All gybes fully planing, minimum speed during the hour was 9 knots. The new 62 really does gybe like a dream, soooo easy!

After the hour I switched to the JP54 with Z SLM S- 28cm (first time) and went to the outer dams. As soon as I saw +52 km/u alpha on my Suunto watch I started pushing as hard as I could. Ended up with 4 times above 53km/u and a massive 55,21km/u as max. The new SLM 28 is an absolute keeper, the fin performed amazing. Side note: max alpha on Suunto is 56,38km/u.

Only did 1 fast speedrun. Focussing more on runs and with the asy 25,5 I could have reached 75/76 avg but that was not the goal today ;-)

Congrats Brecht with your PR's, let's go to 70!

Leuk gevaren. Ook nog even op de buitendammetjes geweest met de 87.

Dagje Zonnemaire met Luuk! In het begin wat staan klooien tot de trim een beetje klopte en erna lekker gevaren en buitenop er gewoon vanaf geblazen. Wat een wind(Dennis bleef maar gewoon gaan) en toch uiteindelijk daar 72km/h op de display gekregen. Bij de binnendammen nog even lekker door gevaren.

Set pr.

Grtz. Sander.

Edit: track checked and uploaded using GPSResults instead of Gpsar (55,21km/u)


The plan was to do an hour and alpha@500m at ZM around noon, and then go to Kwade Plaat for a speed session. Between 12h and 15h the wind turned out a lot lighter then predicted so I thought we also wouldn't have 30-40kn in the afternoon at the Plaat.

Did the hour with the new JP62 (first time) and Z SLM S 33cm. Wind was not strong enough and directing swung way too south from time to time... (upwind only 35km/u). It's a shame because I was really in the zone and didn't make any mistakes. All gybes fully planing, minimum speed during the hour was 9 knots. The new 62 really does gybe like a dream, soooo easy!

After the hour I switched to the JP54 with Z SLM S- 28cm (first time) and went to the outer dams. As soon as I saw +52 km/u alpha on my Suunto watch I started pushing as hard as I could. Ended up with 4 times above 53km/u and a massive 55,21km/u as max. The new SLM 28 is an absolute keeper, the fin performed amazing. Side note: max alpha on Suunto is 56,38km/u.

Only did 1 fast speedrun. Focussing more on runs and with the asy 25,5 I could have reached 75/76 avg but that was not the goal today ;-)

Congrats Brecht with your PR's, let's go to 70!

Nice evening session. Awesome Alpha Dennis!

Nice evening session. Awesome Alpha Dennis!

per vergissing de 37 onder de plank geschroefd ipv de 29   vond het al zeer raar varen maar dacht is een nieuwe vin moet er wat aan wennen  als de wind wa minder was   liep het vrij goed  maar als de wind aantrok hooooooow   moeite om alles onder controle te houden  tail walk   enz   voor de rest een leuke sesie niet te veel volk  in het begin  was de wind een stuk minder   maar toen het opentrok  was de wind van de partij   had de juiste vin er onder gestaan   zat er meer in  maar ga niet klagen    was fun en les geleerd    beter opletten  bij het nemen van de vin   8d)

was supper gezellig   op naar de volgende 

Dagje met mastenprobleem ...
Gevaren met 6.4 maar liep echt niet goed, ...geen acceleratie en onstabiel gevoel.
Groter board gaan halen om de handel wat vlotter te laten lopen en wat minder downhaul, ...en ja je kunt het raden, ... zon brak door de wolken en hups +10 knopen er bij met een onhandelbaar zeil als gevolg. 
Perfecte oplossing had natuurlijk de 5.6 kunnen zijn, maar mijn mast was al in gebruik. :-)  Dus dan maar gestopt en wat aan de kant gaan "ouwehoeren" (lees tijdverdrijf door gebabbel ).
Wel leuk te zien hoe Brecht evolueert , ...dit wordt investeren in extra materiaal :-)

Edit: track checked and uploaded using GPSResults instead of Gpsar (55,21km/u)


The plan was to do an hour and alpha@500m at ZM around noon, and then go to Kwade Plaat for a speed session. Between 12h and 15h the wind turned out a lot lighter then predicted so I thought we also wouldn't have 30-40kn in the afternoon at the Plaat.

Did the hour with the new JP62 (first time) and Z SLM S 33cm. Wind was not strong enough and directing swung way too south from time to time... (upwind only 35km/u). It's a shame because I was really in the zone and didn't make any mistakes. All gybes fully planing, minimum speed during the hour was 9 knots. The new 62 really does gybe like a dream, soooo easy!

After the hour I switched to the JP54 with Z SLM S- 28cm (first time) and went to the outer dams. As soon as I saw +52 km/u alpha on my Suunto watch I started pushing as hard as I could. Ended up with 4 times above 53km/u and a massive 55,21km/u as max. The new SLM 28 is an absolute keeper, the fin performed amazing. Side note: max alpha on Suunto is 56,38km/u.

Only did 1 fast speedrun. Focussing more on runs and with the asy 25,5 I could have reached 75/76 avg but that was not the goal today ;-)

Congrats Brecht with your PR's, let's go to 70!

first time there, 
need to come back, and better prepared, 

bad setup this day, so bad results, just realized the mistakes later on the pics 

Wat een heerlijke sessie weer, was weer gezellig en stuk lekkerder dan gister qua drukte.