1Hans Kreisel87,03
2Christophe Peyrouse81,81
3Christian Arnold78,41
4Laurent Fesquet78,34
5Marco Lambers76,66
6Johan Huitema76,12
7Wouter Liedenbaum74,8
8Thomas Moldenhauer74,27
9Dirk Hacha73,73
10Heidi Ulrich73,37
11Tom De Pauw72,33
12Zinou Guiri68,27
13Zinou Guiri68,27
14Zinou Guiri68,27

Focus  was on 250m for the dunkerbeck speed challenge.wantet to have over 40 knots and i did it. was a little bit a strange day... in the morning not really fast, super angle but light.... afternoon was better and from 15.00 it was blowing 55-60 they said. I did one more run but than i stopped.

finally i'm happy with the day and slowly the stance-changing-process is successful :-)

In the morning best conditions, easy and comfortable. Later wind up to 60kts. PB's in many categories. Great day with great people.

Decided on friday 22 to go to France. Left home satureday 6, first day today with quite some swell, but also some really nice runs.

it is pretty cool to windsurf here between Antoin Albeau, Hans Kreisel and many others. Laurent, really good job with 78 avg, but.. you live here so its easy :) 

see you tomorrow 

Day 2 of my LF trip with Tom.

Completely different day than yesterday. Pretty difficult conditions, second session with the Evo XI 5.2. It took me some runs to get used to it, but was happy with my 4th run (77,x).

But after that, Icouldn't start a run anymore, always spinout, no control (??). Untill after 4-5 attempts, a friendly guy on the beach who saw me struggling, said to me that my outhaul was way to loose. What an idiot I was, I didn't noticed that my rope came loose (an old NP boom + a new NP sail = no match!)

After reconnecting the loop of the rope I could make a 5th (and 6th) run, but I was too exhausted to do more runs. Lesson learned.

Still had a great time on the water with many friends!

First day in France. Arrived at sunrise with Hans at the beach as there was a tramontana expected. The wind was less then personally expected. Good to be back here but I needed to get used to the location again after such a long time.

Great day speeding with a lot of friends and battling with Antoine he was king of the 500m but i was flying on the 250m and max we had a little rolling chop but nothing to bad. Made a mistake by going on the water to early. Bit who can resist the water when you are at this happy place. Really happy with the new gear just the upgrade i needed. Hopefully the 250m will be fast enough till the end of the month.

Sessie 59: Na een korte voorbereiding met Marco hier naar toe gereden. Even de AV45 op Plage du Rouet testen, mooie max op het nieuwe board gevaren. Op het strand vele bekende speedies, erg gezellig..!

New PB "open sea" on 5x10sec and 500m!

New PB "open sea" on 5x10sec and 500m!

Happy when you can sail just about every day on a short trip to LF !

Less happy with the extreme gusts (until 55 knots on display) and the choppy water.

Broke my sailbattens in de shore and instaid of reparing or changing sail I called it a day.