by Dirk Hacha
3/12/2021 8:42:24 PM | |
LF day 1:
Square, violent wind, didn't dare to do slingshots, too tricky for me.
Nice to see the pro-speedsurfers doing massive slingshots an a pro-swimmer coming back to the shore :-)
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by Fred Durozo
3/12/2021 8:52:26 PM | |
Nr vmax !!! good session with the team W44
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by Benjamin Verdin
3/12/2021 9:02:25 PM | |
Quite some wind today. Used max weight (15kgs) but even then I was probably one of the lightest ones on the water with 5.x which was more then big enough ;-) Square conditions but flat water, so bearing off to search for speeds. Didn't want to take the risk to go all the way, because I shouldn't be here in the first place: I was on duty between 2 flights and wouldn't take the risk cancelling the flight because of a injured captain ;-) So 10sec a bit disappointed but happy to see 80.42 on the display (that's been a while...). @Tom: nice speeds buddy
Special thanks to Fabian Crombeen to bring my gear all the way from Belgium and to Tom and Dirk to bring it back (hopefully :-)) later on this week.
Twan and Andy were really flying: insane speeds !!
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by Christian Arnold
3/12/2021 9:03:05 PM | |
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by Tom De Pauw
3/12/2021 9:03:05 PM | |
Great to be back for some days of cruising on the nicest surfspot of Western Europe !
Happy to improve my maximum speed 2".
Due to too much violent wind (for me) and a loss of confidence after a 20" swim in open sea I coudn't improve my avg anymore.
No stress.
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by Damien Nico
3/12/2021 9:03:06 PM | |
Reprise du speed, dernière session le 17/08/2018 ...
soit un bail
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by Jean-marc Degrelle
3/12/2021 9:03:06 PM | |
very beautiful session this evening , perfect flat water , I needed more gusts to do faster , but happy with my little improvement for average !
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by Brian Rogild
3/12/2021 9:03:07 PM | |
Made my first 50 knots peak today, what a nice felling. Did struggle so much with the conditions, after a lot of trimming, it was much better and speed slowly came up. Did 2 good runs and second was 50.24. Then not much juice left on the watch so missed the last runs with better 10S, when it turned off. Next time I remember to bring the cable in the car:-).
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by Laurent Paya
3/12/2021 9:03:07 PM | |
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by Alex Sharp
3/12/2021 9:07:25 PM | |
Fantastic day fantastic conditions,unfortunatly 70 liter was to big.
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by Twan Verseput
3/12/2021 9:07:26 PM | |
Super nice day!! Smashed my max open water speed with a lot, congrats to Andy he was flying on his new gear in these square courses!
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by Andy Laufer
3/12/2021 9:07:26 PM | |
What a day. Broke all my open water records. Wind was pretty square but suuuuper flat. Got faster and faster during the day. 1st. session with 5.6 on wich I broke the 50kn open water barrier 1st. Then switched to 5.2 and got even faster. It even feels like I can go faster, much faster here in La Franqui. Slightly better angle would be perfect. Will see next time. Suuuuper happy with my new stuff, 3 knots faster than before!
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by Anton J. Geesink
3/12/2021 9:07:27 PM | |
Vannacht aangekomen voor de Defi.In de bus geslapen eenmaal wakker naal LF gereden want ik kon mijn onderkomen nog niet in en in Gruissan was het heel druk met vliegers van de Defi-Kite.
Was snel moe , heerlijke harde wind, netjes langs het kantje gebleven :-)
Een hoop toppers vandaag op LF ( reken ik mezelf niet eens mee)
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by Edwin Roestenburg
3/12/2021 9:07:27 PM | |
Harde wind op LF, beetje te hard eigenlijk voor mji qua conditie en risico, twee keer op zee gezwommen, pijp goed leeg. Toch wat runnetjes kunnen plaatsen maar man man wat een poeier, de run in gaat wel maar daarna... ugh..
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