Code Red storm warning with gusts up to 70 kts in late afternoon at coastal areas, so it was important to be on the water before that would happen and at least get a session in. It was gusty (what's new?) and choppy and the waterlevel was dropping by the minute as the water got pushed towards the North side of the lake. 25 cm of water and often less was what remained...and the wind was only building up.... so there was not that much time before things would get too risky. Happy with my result. 4.9 would have been too small as the gusts were only short and I was already often running out of wind on the 5.6 in the downwind runs. Happy I opted for the small board so I could finally give the new Tribal asy protofin a go in powered up conditions. It is awesome. Sooo neutral and fast and secure. I feel in the chop we got 21 might have been the perfect size but the 20 was great for its size in these conditions. Not cold and no rain during sailing. Nice! Max GPS 83,44 km/h.