1Tim Hemer65,54
2Carl Macdonald62,21
3David Mossop60,67
4Joe Belluzzo58,52
5Norman Clarke57,96

All forecasts pointed to a good day and it was. SW is a great direction for the channel and allows easy runs right up to the barrages. Water was flat and made for good long runs.
couldn't get comfortable.. very gusty

Early start to the day at goolwa alpha channel.  Short sail a couple of beers before 9am - another sail and a pastie and iced coffee - thanks the Hamoods - we owe youLaughing.  Another sail - lunch break and sailed till the end of the day and finished the day with a beer.  Majority of the day was 18 - 25 knots - south west - picked up later to 20 - 30 knots.  Very square course - all the speed was done in the chop.  Rode most of the day on fanatic 89, 5.8m koncept and 31cm sl7.  It picked up so i took out the isonic 50.  The course being sqaure the isonic 50 was no benefit to speeds.  The usual fin dramas happened againYell.  This time my slalom drake 28 that came with the 50 delaminated while riding it - luckily it didn't snap on the water.  Also i had a stack at 35 knots in the chop on the 50.  It broke my harness - losing the spreader bar.  It was fun sailing back to shore in 20 - 30 knots with no harness.   Thanks Tim for a loan harness.  Tried my new carbon ka boom - what a beast!  Good turnout and a bit of fun as usualLaughing.

1 Hour was the aim of the day, pretty tiring when the wind picked up to 30 knots 20minutes in, was very temping to bearaway in the big gusts. Was hoping for a 26 but maybe next time.  Spent half the session trying to tune kit which was unbalanced in the square conditions.  A new harness also took a while to get sorted. Great fun and good to catchup with some of the team I have not seen for a while.