
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 89,89kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
86,14  ( 87,46 86,52 86,08 86,02 84,61 )
  • 100 m run
  • 89,5kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 86,84kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 79,9kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 15,24kmh
  • 1/2 uur snelheid
  • 11,21kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 10,08kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 21,11kmh
  • Afstand
  • 18km
  • Duur
  • 00:31:59
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots
  • Wind richting
  • W ( 270)

New Spot Record!!!   After missing out a session at West Kirby yesterday I was determained to got a session today.  The wind arrived as forcast with about 1-2 hours of reasonable strength. Not the best direction but pleased with the speeds.