1Craig Spottiswood80,98
2Andrew Daff78,56
3Shelby Reilly77,08
4Dave MacInnes76,85
5Martin Love74,28
6Stuart Eustice74,09
7Jerry Copestake62,04
Another unusual midwinter session. Better speed wind today with a bit more west and strength early in the session. I lucked into two good gusts but then the wind eased and swung south and I could not back it up.
No weight today except on third best run. Took it off immediately after that one run.
It was like I was hitting a wall today,lots of peaks around 42.5 and quite a few 10 seconders in the 41s but it just didn't feel like I could let her rip,the only reason I could think of was that I didn't move my harness lines forward after I used the 6.2 yesterday so I was oversheeting down the strip - great day all the same:-) 
That was my kind of day for speed sailing, not to wild and not to much rain!
2009 5.8 Ka Koncept
another nice day at the PiT. plenty of smiley faces despite the temp and flying sand/rain
Nice Winters Day. Rain,Wind and even sunshine.