1Martin Egard63,02
2Roger Örnvang60,7
3Jonas Bergström56,85

Wind did not kick in like they say but got to sailing with my friends in crazy weather. Great to sailing with Martin and Pierre today :-)

Riggade alltför optimistiskt. Alla förväntade sig mer vind. Tyvärr orkade den inte riktigt in så det blev en del väntan. När Malik väl kom, sisådär en 20 min innan mörkret, så blev det rejält med vind men också hög chopp, vilket gjorde det hela risky.

First session this year.together with Bernt, Roger and Martin in surfspot Haboljung.  Not as cold as expected but the wind did not kick in until late afternoon when we had left ): Still got an hour with wind enough to cruise around. 

Wind did not kick in like they say but got to sailing with my friends in crazy weather. Great to sailing with Martin and Pierre today :-)

Wind did not kick in like they say but got to sailing with my friends in crazy weather. Great to sailing with Martin and Pierre today :-)