1Steve Thorp77,12
2Ian Richards74,6
3Lance Newbery71,6
4Michael George65,65
5Stephen Squirrell62,83
Interesting day !!! Our son came back from uni for the weekend so went to be late,3 hours sleep drive to Southend,arrive at 6 in the rain :( Sail choice is always a nightmare at the Ray as it's such a long way to come back to change !!! So that was my first mistake rigging the 5.8 which was abit under most of the morning then when it was windy enough it was too rough for me on the fastest west course and I was knackered as I was finding hard going getting upwind :( Managed only 35 kts so slow compared the the more experience sailers but actually managed my second best average :) As my technique lets me down the ssw wind was not broad  or windy enough for me today but it was fun sailing fast down the west course and round the corner on the super flat east course.
It was great to be out with Dave White,Steve Thorpe and Ian Richards and thanks for all the rigging/techique tips I received and can't wait to try them on the next windy day.
So apart from the long long walk rigging 5.8 instead of 6.4 and wearing a full wetsuit instead of a shortie a good day was had by all :)
Well done to those with PB's especially Lance who is now a member of the 40 kt club !!!!

Lovely sunny day on the Ray, but not a 5.8 day! why did I rig that?
good turnout made for a fun session n lots of smiles, apart from Daz who broke his foot after 10 minutes sailing, sorry mate hope you got home ok.
 SW wind only 20-25 knots till about midday then increased to 30-35 knots just as the tide claimed the sand bar. Best times got on the west course with a really good angle but quite choppy.
Congrats to Lance with 40 first 40 knots , Mike G and Stephen S with PB's
Pleased to get mile pb and a 40 knot 500m.
Sailed all the way back in with the tide, NICE!
Left Thorpy at 4pm considering an evening session lol.
Big well done to my son for catching a world record Goldfish LOL, he's been on the bloody tele and in all the papers HAHA


Best speed session this year. A 38 knot peak speed, new PB for the nautical mile (32 knots) and I very nearly scored a 24 knot alpha... just outside the 50m. At least a few of the guys saw the gybe... around them as I recall, lol.

Tech Details: Navi GT-31 V1.3 (B1123t), GPSResults v6.90, Doppler, Cubic Spline. 
Funny old day, felt like it should have been super quick at some point but never really turned on with everything coming together. Needed more wind earlier or flatter water later, and the tide and wind were at opposites (no Ray at 5pm but the wind was nuking and the sun blazing) 
Definitely not complaining though, 43knots in July in a summer suit has to be a first..
Good to see so many turn up and a good tune up to keep our eye's in for the next big one!

A great day, warm weather and wind. Finally managed to get 40 up on the dial if only as peak speeds but still progress nonetheless with some new PB's. Getting used to the board and sail and feeling more comfortable. By the time the wind really started going though I was exhausted and then trashed my new race sail so time to stop.

Good to see lots of people out, let's hope it's not six months before the next go!