1Andrew Daff75,95

A nice Easterly at Sandy Point. I was getting 20-26 knots on the Gauge on the beach so I rigged the 5.4m. Just as I was going out a good freetyle sailor came past. "What are you on?' answer: 3.8m and maxed. Must be 35 knots  in the gusts!"

Oh, Oh!

Oh well. I'll give it a go.

I was in control, especially on the speed strip where it was spot on. But reaching accross the run out I was sheeting out and standing up to stay on the water! These 2015 Koncepts are incredibly stable! yes

I spent a bit of time marking the shallow bits with sticks just before low tide. There was a dry sandbar 3m downwind on most of the run. I felt quite at home!  It was like running the Luderitz Canal again except the two sticks at the end of the run were 2m apart. wink I need to get some colourful ones that are easy to see!

The tide quickly started coming in and after about 4 or 5 runs we could go right over the shallow bits but it was getting very choppy, very quickly, so after another few runs I called it quits.

There were 2 ft rolling waves coming down and breaking like surf on the SW speed bank! Pretty interesting going upwind over them. Got a couple of big air jumps without trying! That stuffed me out pretty quick and at the end my grip was gone.

CA 40, 2015 KA Koncept 5.4m. Fin was Symmetrical Vector DWS 19cm that was still in my board from Lake George. It was a bit easier to go unwind accross the big waves and chop in the channel than the usual Tribal 18cm assy, as would be expected so I was glad I stuck with it for this session!

Ado was out on his 5.0m but looking slightly nervous about the shallow bits and sandbars! laugh