
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 83,85kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
74,17  ( 77,42 74,56 74,14 72,54 72,19 )
  • 100 m run
  • 82,03kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 75,88kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 59,74kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 0kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 8,25kmh
  • Afstand
  • 7km
  • Windsnelheid
  • 50 - 70knots

A day to remember at Aroobar !!

This was the biggest storm I ever wittnessed !
We ended up in an emergency situation where all roads were blocked, all connections to the outside world were gone ( telephone and GSM ), no electricity, no food, no fuel etc etc.
We were on our own and the wind kept on hauling ( with speeds up to 120 mph ).

Since we had extremely high water the sandbar only showed for about 200 meters length today, but I was desperate to do better than yesterday, so I went out for a kamikaze session, only targetting on top speeds, since long runs were impossible. Nevertheless I jussed missed out on breaking all my PB's but that's just because I had very limited time to sail ( sailed only 45 minutes and 6.772 km ! )

The wind was even much stronger than yesterday and the angle was about 90 degrees.
I trimmed my sail in a way that Monty Spindler would get tears in his eyes and stuck a borrowed asymmetrical fin in my board.

Determined as I was I went out, leaving all the others behind, since they did not want to go out in insane conditions like this. I had to find my pace very shortly but then I attacked. I only had about 1 hour before it would get dark and the water level was rising already.

After doing some acceptable speeds on the halfwind course, I did 1 run "the Martin way" and it payed off !
Besides this I didn't have the feeling that this was the maximum of the capabilities so that looks promissing.

I succeeded in my goal to break my 2 sec and 100m PB's, and have a new American record here according the others.

Next time I hope we will get a chance to sail with a broader windangle and a lower waterlevel with smaller equipment, so I can do some longer runs and shurely have a chance to compete for the best speeds on this site.

The evening was wunderfull with an icecold shower, next to a flashlight, and beans in tomotasauce for dinner, heated up on the dashboard of the car with the last prescious fuel we had. After that a nice sleep in an icecold hotelroom ( where patially the roof and lining was missing ) with a wind, that didn't want to give up, and kept hauling with an average of about 50 knots .

When finally going out, it was a fight to get through 30 km of broken trees and debris: it took me 6 hours and some very unwise rides with my car through 2 foot flooded streets !

It was a 3 day survival but it was worth it !

A special thanks I want to express to Mark Boydston, who lent me one of his own made asymmetrical fins. Without him I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Once again I would like to thank Kean Rogers for assisting me and watching me while I was sailing out there alone in the mist, caused by the flying water.
Sorry for beating your best US times from the day before, but I had to get even.

I look forward to meeting you all next time, for a new challenge !