
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 67,45kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
63,24  ( 66,4 62,86 62,46 62,36 62,11 )
  • 100 m run
  • 67,07kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 65,32kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 60,88kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 42,52kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 19,98kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 0kmh
  • Afstand
  • 39km
  • Duur
  • 01:01:01
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots
  • Wind richting
  • W ( 270)

Still totally flabbergasted about yesterday. Our sport is so incredible. The youngsters are coming, new kids on the block. I realized just how far we went from the earliest stages at the birthground of our sport. Dylan and I had a short but memorable meeting on the water and it reminded me of many great days elaborating on the total website set-up, the tech team, WGPSSRC, USM races etc. etc. We are entering the adult stage now with re-entries dropping in and kids like Jens Salomons starting to knock on the door to for sure anihilate old farts like me. This is how all is meant to be. Evolution.

Personally I had a great weekend with my team mates and my old friend Renske Beets Andringa and her family. Thanks so much Renske. I will never forget this!

Today a laid back session on a way too small board that was lifted from the water by possibly the best open water fin I ever felt. Peter made Sym Speed Carbon specials for me which will be made soon for all interested. Many were having scary moments yesterday. Not me. The MK2 24 with the speed lay-up grips like nothing else and is so frikkin' secure, but even more important is so incredibly smooth and stable at a fixed gliding angle that any speedsailor should try it at least once in powered up conditions. This fin is magic and helps to get you in another state of mind when things get rough. It's not just a fin for the tall and heavy who can master the flexing foil. It's superb for lighter riders like me (78 kilo now and on my way to my goal 75). 

Once you load up the fin you feel it's locking itself underfoot and what happens then you have to feel to truly believe. For sure the fastest guys can get it to insane open water speeds. If I would have stuck to my plan (not only my body is growing old but apparently also my brains are getting messed up even more than they already were :-)), for sure I would have gone faster but I am 100% sure a tall and heavy rider could have gone insanly fast on this symmetrical carbon fin that I rate as the best and fastest carbon symmetrical speedfin I ever sailed. I mean, I like and honour Peter and Talitha for what they are doing and gladly support their efforts, but there is way more to it. There is simply genius put into this fin designed by Chris Lockwood and time will tell this is no marketing talk but this is for real. Both the sym speed G10 and Carbon version are incredibly versatile and secure. It's just a matter of preference which version you like more. Both are sick!

The fin handles like a freeride fin but goes like a rocketmachine through space and time. You have to try it to believe it. The ride is sooo smooth it just lifts your own skill level to another dimension. The more you push once powered up, the more it gives speed back to you. Just angle the board a tiny bit, feel it lock and bear off with a smile on your face.

So far from an old fart who has seen it all...