
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 66,6kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
62,78  ( 64,43 63,31 62,88 62,13 61,14 )
  • 100 m run
  • 65,03kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 63,41kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 60,97kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 23,53kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 16,49kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 25,77kmh
  • Afstand
  • 60km
  • Duur
  • 01:43:11
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots
  • Wind richting
  • W ( 270)

Strange times we live in. It's hard to enjoy the beauty of nature knowing the threats we're faced with but the sun and wind wiped away the fear and sorrow for a couple of hours. My average while the other contenders were still on the water was 61.95.

As I know the spot can be very gusty I decided to go for an extreme set-up and take the MK2 36 which is super large for the board. I wanted to learn more about the boardtrim. As it turned out it helped me a couple of times to pass the windhole in the middle of the wall. The day clearly was in favor of larger boards, not so much topspeedwise, but simply because the smaller boards all stalled in the middle.

While the others were still on the water, I had one powered up run (relatively speaking) in which I reached a nice topspeed. This surprised me a lot and at the same time it didn't.The fun thing about the Tribal MK2 and the reason I got rid of all other fins is that Tribal is focussing on normal weight riders. You don't need to really push the fin as it flies the board at ease. With the Z SLM, which I loved, carrying a bigger size resulted in a board that put itself totally flat. With this fin you can just pick a size for the occasion. If you want to track upwind like mad but still be quick downwind a larger size can be taken, also by a lighter rider like me.

I am sure PWA riders would benifit as well if they dared to think outside of the box. All other carbon slalom fins have got nearly the same outline and therefore a common ground seems to have been found in regards to finlength. Tribal and Chris Lockwood dare to step out of the box and I applaud them for that. I love the conceptual ideas and days like this are a great opportunity to test some things. The gain obviously is with crosswind and upwind and as it turned out downwind isn't really damaged by the larger size.

Later in the afternoon it got quiet on the water and together with the three others last standing we enjoyed the last drops of wind of what could possibly become the last windsurfday for a while if the government decides to go for a total shut down like in many other countries. Health comes first and I trust the experts on taking the right decisions.

Lets hope we overcome this together and learn we'd better invest more in medical science instead of warfare machines. It will prove to be the saviour of mankind in the end if we do so. We need to let go of fear, embrace all of our differences and help eachother out. Windsurfing and this wonderful International community is an example how we can connect. I dream we can all enjoy freedom on the water again real soon in all countries participating in this beautiful virtually reality/real life game as it would mean answers are found. I pray for the people losing their loved ones and the people now living packed together in the refugee camps who must be suffering massively from the virus, as we seems to be so self focussed that all other news has become totally irrelevant. I don't want to become political and this is the only thing I aim to share about this, but I do hope and trust the world will learn from this. We need to change in many respects and listen to the warning thrown at us or else we party ourselves to our own extinction with the ease with which we now are killing our mother Earth.