Martin van Meurs

  • vrijdag 18 februari 2022
  • Netherlands

  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 76,07kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
72,69  ( 73,57 72,8 72,71 72,2 72,16 )
  • 100 m run
  • 75,51kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 71,64kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 63,01kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 0kmh
  • 1/2 uur snelheid
  • 8,69kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 4,85kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 0kmh
  • Afstand
  • 10km
  • Duur
  • 00:17:37
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots
  • Wind richting
  • W ( 270)

Sorry for posting late. After the session I was invited by Renske and her husband. Thanks for the lovely evening!

The power of nature ruled yesterday. The day before I trained and sticked to starboard tack to get used to sail with the rolling chop. I wanted to feel the true power and after a couple of set-up runs checking the sail I did three runs in 50+ windspeeds on the open water speedcourse. At the finish of the last run the boom was completely ripped out of my hands and I knew it was time to bail-out :-).

After unrigging all hell broke loose and my car standing sideways to the wind felt like it would be tipped over by the gusts. The sun shimmered though the clouds while I watched the water and air mixing in a giant vapourized wall of water. This was by far the strongest win which I have ever seen at Horst. Gusts mut have hit close to 150km/h at the peak.

I am stoked to notice the personal trainings as In Vorm Sport Wijk bij Duurstede (thanks Jeroen!) are working a charm as I feel fiter and stronger than ever before. It seems this old fart is getting ready to fight with the monsters of speed in open water conditions. I gladly leave the sandbanks and smaller speedstrips to them and watching the usual suspects go faster and faster is thrilling. I hope to occasionally fight batles with them the coming years and test how far I can stretch my body and mind. 

This was a great test and nice day. The KA Speed 5.2 and Tribal Asy worked like a charm and I truly felt I wouldn't endanger myself, even if could feel the board was sometimes on the verge of flying because of the rising chop. It was an incredible feeling and with more high wind training and bigger balls I am sure speeds can be stretched. 

And Rob Allersma...great sailing mate!