
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 0kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
72,59  ( 73,69 72,71 72,39 72,21 71,95 )
  • 100 m run
  • 0kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 0kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 0kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 0kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 0kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 0kmh
  • Afstand
  • 74km
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots

Sandy Point is a pretty reasonable spot. 

The water conditions are smoother than Southend, and as the beach has more curve there is more option to find the right angle on at least part of the course. Only at the very bottom where it was getting pretty deep did it start to get a little lumpy. The wind was super steady. The gusts stuck around for a long time, so it's rare to get really jerked around so it's pretty easy to settle into the ride. It's usually 2 tacks to get back up to the top if you go for a long one.

I was underdone on the 6.4, so I'm slightly confused how the other guys were going so quick on much smaller rags. It wasn't overly deep, so that could have something to do with it. This place will be crazy on a windy day. Hope I can make it next time that happens.

It was good to meet some of the locals, including Spotty, Andrew, Tom, and heaps of other guys. All good fella's which made sailing the spot that much better. Although Spotty kicked my ass, so I don't like him so much.

It was also a bonus to see MI in action. That thing was a lot smaller than I thought it was, and it looks deceptively slow, The first run they peaked at 53knots, which I thought was less than 40. Sadly they had a wee mishap on the 2nd run. It will take more than a few stickers to fix her up.

The drive down is 200km - which adds up to about 3hours. It was throughly painful. For some reason the speed limit is 80km when the highway has 3-4 lanes (in each direction). Weird.

My times come just from the 'restore' option. I have a Mac and only got the GT-31 the day before, and i'm clueless as to how to load up the software. I'll get a card reader (and a card) so next time it should be a bit more accurate. Can't wait till the next time.