
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 39.61knots
Average speed
37.45  ( 38.12 37.92 37.89 36.74 36.57 )
  • 100 m run
  • 39.46knots
  • 250 m run
  • 37.44knots
  • 500 m run
  • 34.98knots
  • Nautical mile
  • 25.96knots
  • 1 hour avg speed
  • 10.67knots
  • Alpha racing
  • 16.3knots
  • Distance
  • 39km
  • Duration
  • 03:36:08
  • Windspeed
  • 0 - 0knots
  • Wind direction
  • SW ( 237)

Tuningday :), started with W44+5.6, this was OK but the gusts gone by and it was nearly impossible to catch these gusts with some speed. After doing 4 speedruns in 1 hour it was time to try something else. $0$0 $0 $0The iSonic W49 and Reflex 6.2, a combination which was not very good tuned during USM. Soo I started at the point where I ended in USM. Some finetuning after the first run, and it felt pretty good. Also the 3th run with this combination was efficient for the windstrength I had in my sail.$0 $0$0 $0 $0I was happy to see some rain with good gusts, and the first downwinder the sail was suddenly unstable and not OK. Looked and saw the crossbatten was broken thanks to a Stupid personal action (jumping from the board). Tried 3 more runs, but no use. Had little doubt to fix the batten (had spare parts etc), but want to do this good, the 6.2 will be my Strand Horst sail.$0 $0$0 $0 $0Total 10 downwind runs today. And the reason to go to Strand Horst was testing as much as possible LOL. I was thinking about 30 speedruns++ (5 hours time). I hope to get the ducks in a row next time on Strand Horst.$0 $0$0 $0 $0PS (if true), Roger congrats with your 80+km/h average at Bad Hoophuizen!!!$0