
Hi - just a couple of quick questions - firstly I am loving the new foiling section :) I checked my sessions and noticed that all my 2019 sessions are listed but not the two from 2020? I tried uploading them to the foiling section today and they seem to have added them to the normal speed section. The dates are Jan 4th and 9th and are now listed twice, any ideas what I did wrong? Also I still cant sign onto the UK foil and speed events, it will let me sign onto some of the other speed events but not all of them and definatly not the UK ones, again have you any ideas what I can do? Looking forward to your help - Stephen

Hi Stephen, thnx for reporting. We will take a look asap, found some issues with your account that could cause the issue with registering with the event...

Thank you for that - hope it can be sorted :)

@Stephen: in general to post a speed windsurf session post via to post a foil session go to You have posted your foil sessions both via gps-speedsurfing correct? 

@Stephen: can you tell me what happens if you subscribe for the event (


Hi Dylan, after posting my foiling session from the 9th January to the foil section with no problem, I tried to do the same with a session from the 4th Jan and it just wont upload? I tried yesterday and again today with no luck. I also tried uploading another one of this months sessions with no luck and was wondering if it was my computer or the site?

As for entering the UK foil and speed events I go through the procedure, press add and nothing happens ???

Sorry to be such a pain

best wishes


I meant to say, I still use GPSresults to upload my sessions 
