1Patrick Depoorter56,99

For Stephen in English!

Forecast said dying Tramontana in the morning, so I figured La Nautic would be fine, and it is so close! Didn't want to spend time for looking at the beach to find out there was no more wind. It turned out to be lasting a bit longer than I thougt.

It was freezing cold when I arrived at the spot, after the 5.........min drive from our "vineyard". 8° is not much, even when it's sunny. The wind was almost as hard as yesterday, but with the knowledge it would soon drop.

First hour was almost not sailable due to the steep, hard, violent chop.

Round 10h it became ok, stil round 30kt but with this set-up.... in control!

Runs (wel sort of) where in the high 50's some display showed 61+max :)

After some runs stopping was mandatory to ged rid of the sea grass, not possible to get it of by pumping the board out and getting it in the air.

Gybing went good for this conditions, think this a good @500 for the spot for me.

Two hours where enough, this "Etang water" is so much colder than the sea, 7° compared to 17° had to stop because of the cold.

When I was derigging temp was rising and in the afternoon we had 20°. Was very welcome after some cold days here.