1Hans Kreisel78,97
2Stefan Brouwers73,58
3Danny Verhaar70,43
4Wouter de Vries68,99
5Wouter Liedenbaum68,72
6Nathan Teljeur61,58


It was a difficult day on the water today. Of course I had fun, but could have caught my 54 speed. Hans and Stefan flew by, it was cool to see.


Het ging alle kanten op vandaag, soms pompen om in plane te komen en dan weer te groot staan. Maar het was prima weer en nog niet koud, ik heb me prima vermaakt. 

Not bad for 6,6 on a square course with a slalom fin was on a 29 CF s- 

Direction was too South, but was lot's of fun. Happy faces on the water.

After the biking of yesterday I was a bit low in energy. But the day was too nice not to go out. Was good to see Roland with his surfgear again.

5 runs and out of here...

Not bad for 6,6 on a square course with a slalom fin was on a 29 CF s-