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stuck to the plan (sorta) and it (sorta) worked…

based on the forecast i'd figured on going for an hour time, maybe a NM, and put in some kms.  once rigged, the wind kicked up a notch and shifted west, leaving me oversailed in rough waters. with no flat spots to dump power on doing speed runs, i stuck to the plan thinking it a training day: squarish angles, long laps, and staying dry for an hour.  the last quarter hour i had to glide thru holes, and on my last lap i ended up bearing off quite a bit to keep up the pace – scuppering my plans to do an NM attempt and leaving me with a long beat and eventual slog to get home as the wind dropped to ten knots.

…had no idea what kind of pace i was running as it was rough and i only had eyes for the start watch, so was pleasantly surprised by the result – i'd been hoping for a high teens hour.  and got an OK alpha to boot!