1Kees Heuvelman65,9
2Martin van Meurs65,03
3Harald de Rooij63,42
4Jan Hattuma62,9
5Rob Allersma62,13
6Pieter Rietveld61,05
7Aart Veerman60,25
8Ard Krikke59,77
9Eric Wind57,85
10Rene Stoel56,87
11Dirk de Groot56,31
12André Oost55,87
13Adam Bakker52,18
14Ton van der Werf51,49
15Rik van Burken51,44
16Laura van Beckhoven49,95
17Martijn de Lepper49,65
18Bastiaan van Dijk49,29
19Joran van Reede48,96
20Renske Beets-Andringa47,17
21Margriet Lachenal46,86
22Robert Balk44,56
23Max Shytikov43,64
24Joris te Gussinklo Ohmann35

Voor dag en douw eruit, waar was de wind.Trim was oke.

Dat was weer lekker.

Stuk beter dan gisteren, dit is meer mijn windje. Beetje zoeken naar vlakke stukjes, en die kwam ik aan het eind pas tegen..Maar gewoon heerlijk gevaren.

Begin was gewoon K totaal mis qua settings zeil, 2x terug en daarna eindelijk kunnen varen. Toch nog leuke stukken gevaren.

Pfff, dat was ff wennen :). Eerste keer weer na een stop van 8 jaar. Wind was erg aan en uit. Dikke vlagen en ook momenten van niets. Op naar de volgende keer.

Super middagje :-)


Nog best even lekker gevaren ondanks dat gat in mn zeil ;-)







Lekker toch!

I.v.m. verjaardag dochter maar een korte sessie van13:15 tot 14:15.  Lekker gevaren.

Leuk dat je je setje weer gevonden hebt Rik :-) 

Weer wat meer wind dan verwacht en prima vlagen voor de Falcon89 en 6.3. Helaas stond ik op de Falcon 98 met 7.0 :( Met die set kon ik niet zoveel. Op een gegeven moment maar snel omgetuigd naar 6.3 en de snelste run gemaakt, maar daarna waren er niet zoveel harde vlagen meer te vinden. 


Heerlijke dag, na de storm van gisteren. In de loop van de middag klaarde het op en kwam de wind goed door. 5.7 was meer dan genoeg. Het was vrij vlak op Horst, dus mooi mijn nieuwe W54 kunnen uitproberen. Goede eerste indruk. Deze 26 vin gaf een enkele keer een spinout onder dit board.
Super leuk met je op te trekken vandaag Martin. Leuk je ontmoet te hebben Renske!

De gok om met de Speedster 69 en GA 7,8 te beginnen pakte goed uit. Prima wind met af en toe dikke vlagen achterin. Hele middag lekker kunnen scheuren. Fijn dagje. Strand Horst op z'n best.

Nieuw zeil voor mijn freeride board gekocht. Point 7 AC-X 7.9 en direct maar even uitproberen. Heerlijk en super stabiel zeil!

Het was een relaxt einde dag windje die toch nog iets pittiger bleek dan verwacht. Met dank aan het trimwerk van Martin heerlijk van de voor mij nieuwe set kunnen genieten.

Our Future. For most of us the now :-). Ahhh...who the beep cares....just take you vaccination and keep on living in fear for your own kids.


We block our kids from having fun while we litterally ate, drank and smoked ourselves to death. I am from the wooden boom original windsurfer era and while I was young cigarettes were being served by putting them in glasses on the  tables, teachers werre smoking in class.

We let millions die from hunger, cold, heat, thirst, we rape and bomb kids while we live la grande bouffe and call ourselves "modern" saying...ich habe es nicht gewusst....well...liebe Leute...wir haben es gewusst as death and disruption is on the news day in day out....well not we are busy killing chances for our own kids, the next stage in our dehumanizing efforts in which we treat our own kin as intensive lifestock cattle.

I have been imprisoned while walking my dog named Takkie. As it was 't a real dog the governement has decided they have got the right to do do so. I have to go to jail now for kindly asking for a more inclusive earth with less war, pollution and hatred . Could it...just perhaps...could it be something is wrong within "the system"? 

We...the wappies...also have a voice and we...the wappies...also care for the elderly and kids. We just disagree with "you" the other half thinking you are the Orwellian 1984 rulers. 

As if there are no alternatives like having special restaurants for the elderly, or festivals where people not being afraid can laugh and enjoy themselves as normal human beings. We will keep our distance from people wearing masks. No problem. We can sort it out as we all we are all loving and caring people respecitng others space.

And politicians, instead of telling me I need to wash my hands, wear a mask and I can't walk in clean air at given times of day and if we allow this process to continue for months in a row...please focus on getting more hands on the beds and ensure we keep an earth left for our kids with trees, plans and animals so we don't end up in the Wally scenario where we are all afraid for a....plant.

We're frikkin' organic. We are born, We shit. We pee. We make love and not war. We take care of the elderly, the young and the weak. We can do it as we have got least some of us who still dare to think for themselves as they realise themselves we are living in a democratic society...meaning...the governement isn't allowed to enter my private space...remember.....remember????

Oh...yeah......S2 2021 6.2 approved. I am getting lighter so no 6.2 on the Falcon speed anymore. I can't compensate for the nose pressure. It's really fun to explore another weight class and slowly but steadily I start to understand how I did it back then. I need a few racing days and then I am going to annoy you Serge so you will have to get faster....just kidding...your run was mental. I saw the chop rising in front of my eyes in a gust I couldn't handle anymore on my 5.0. Serge just went for it and I hardly dared to look at it as there was only one outcome...I thought.

Our Future. For most of us the now :-). Ahhh...who the beep cares....just take you vaccination and keep on living in fear for your own kids.


We block our kids from having fun while we litterally ate, drank and smoked ourselves to death. I am from the wooden boom original windsurfer era and while I was young cigarettes were being served by putting them in glasses on the  tables, teachers werre smoking in class.

We let millions die from hunger, cold, heat, thirst, we rape and bomb kids while we live la grande bouffe and call ourselves "modern" saying...ich habe es nicht gewusst....well...liebe Leute...wir haben es gewusst as death and disruption is on the news day in day out....well not we are busy killing chances for our own kids, the next stage in our dehumanizing efforts in which we treat our own kin as intensive lifestock cattle.

I have been imprisoned while walking my dog named Takkie. As it was 't a real dog the governement has decided they have got the right to do do so. I have to go to jail now for kindly asking for a more inclusive earth with less war, pollution and hatred . Could it...just perhaps...could it be something is wrong within "the system"? 

We...the wappies...also have a voice and we...the wappies...also care for the elderly and kids. We just disagree with "you" the other half thinking you are the Orwellian 1984 rulers. 

As if there are no alternatives like having special restaurants for the elderly, or festivals where people not being afraid can laugh and enjoy themselves as normal human beings. We will keep our distance from people wearing masks. No problem. We can sort it out as we all we are all loving and caring people respecitng others space.

And politicians, instead of telling me I need to wash my hands, wear a mask and I can't walk in clean air at given times of day and if we allow this process to continue for months in a row...please focus on getting more hands on the beds and ensure we keep an earth left for our kids with trees, plans and animals so we don't end up in the Wally scenario where we are all afraid for a....plant.

We're frikkin' organic. We are born, We shit. We pee. We make love and not war. We take care of the elderly, the young and the weak. We can do it as we have got least some of us who still dare to think for themselves as they realise themselves we are living in a democratic society...meaning...the governement isn't allowed to enter my private space...remember.....remember????

Oh...yeah......S2 2021 6.2 approved. I am getting lighter so no 6.2 on the Falcon speed anymore. I can't compensate for the nose pressure. It's really fun to explore another weight class and slowly but steadily I start to understand how I did it back then. I need a few racing days and then I am going to annoy you Serge so you will have to get faster....just kidding...your run was mental. I saw the chop rising in front of my eyes in a gust I couldn't handle anymore on my 5.0. Serge just went for it and I hardly dared to look at it as there was only one outcome...I thought.

Our Future. For most of us the now :-). Ahhh...who the beep cares....just take you vaccination and keep on living in fear for your own kids.


We block our kids from having fun while we litterally ate, drank and smoked ourselves to death. I am from the wooden boom original windsurfer era and while I was young cigarettes were being served by putting them in glasses on the  tables, teachers werre smoking in class.

We let millions die from hunger, cold, heat, thirst, we rape and bomb kids while we live la grande bouffe and call ourselves "modern" saying...ich habe es nicht gewusst....well...liebe Leute...wir haben es gewusst as death and disruption is on the news day in day out....well not we are busy killing chances for our own kids, the next stage in our dehumanizing efforts in which we treat our own kin as intensive lifestock cattle.

I have been imprisoned while walking my dog named Takkie. As it was 't a real dog the governement has decided they have got the right to do do so. I have to go to jail now for kindly asking for a more inclusive earth with less war, pollution and hatred . Could it...just perhaps...could it be something is wrong within "the system"? 

We...the wappies...also have a voice and we...the wappies...also care for the elderly and kids. We just disagree with "you" the other half thinking you are the Orwellian 1984 rulers. 

As if there are no alternatives like having special restaurants for the elderly, or festivals where people not being afraid can laugh and enjoy themselves as normal human beings. We will keep our distance from people wearing masks. No problem. We can sort it out as we all we are all loving and caring people respecitng others space.

And politicians, instead of telling me I need to wash my hands, wear a mask and I can't walk in clean air at given times of day and if we allow this process to continue for months in a row...please focus on getting more hands on the beds and ensure we keep an earth left for our kids with trees, plans and animals so we don't end up in the Wally scenario where we are all afraid for a....plant.

We're frikkin' organic. We are born, We shit. We pee. We make love and not war. We take care of the elderly, the young and the weak. We can do it as we have got least some of us who still dare to think for themselves as they realise themselves we are living in a democratic society...meaning...the governement isn't allowed to enter my private space...remember.....remember????

Oh...yeah......S2 2021 6.2 approved. I am getting lighter so no 6.2 on the Falcon speed anymore. I can't compensate for the nose pressure. It's really fun to explore another weight class and slowly but steadily I start to understand how I did it back then. I need a few racing days and then I am going to annoy you Serge so you will have to get faster....just kidding...your run was mental. I saw the chop rising in front of my eyes in a gust I couldn't handle anymore on my 5.0. Serge just went for it and I hardly dared to look at it as there was only one outcome...I thought.




Na een halfjaartje eindelijk weer een keer op de plank. Heerlijk gevaren met Jasper. Krijg al weer zin in de volgende keer.


22 mei '21.

Eerste sessie met de Futura

Our Future. For most of us the now :-). Ahhh...who the beep cares....just take you vaccination and keep on living in fear for your own kids.


We block our kids from having fun while we litterally ate, drank and smoked ourselves to death. I am from the wooden boom original windsurfer era and while I was young cigarettes were being served by putting them in glasses on the  tables, teachers werre smoking in class.

We let millions die from hunger, cold, heat, thirst, we rape and bomb kids while we live la grande bouffe and call ourselves "modern" saying...ich habe es nicht gewusst....well...liebe Leute...wir haben es gewusst as death and disruption is on the news day in day out....well not we are busy killing chances for our own kids, the next stage in our dehumanizing efforts in which we treat our own kin as intensive lifestock cattle.

I have been imprisoned while walking my dog named Takkie. As it was 't a real dog the governement has decided they have got the right to do do so. I have to go to jail now for kindly asking for a more inclusive earth with less war, pollution and hatred . Could it...just perhaps...could it be something is wrong within "the system"? 

We...the wappies...also have a voice and we...the wappies...also care for the elderly and kids. We just disagree with "you" the other half thinking you are the Orwellian 1984 rulers. 

As if there are no alternatives like having special restaurants for the elderly, or festivals where people not being afraid can laugh and enjoy themselves as normal human beings. We will keep our distance from people wearing masks. No problem. We can sort it out as we all we are all loving and caring people respecitng others space.

And politicians, instead of telling me I need to wash my hands, wear a mask and I can't walk in clean air at given times of day and if we allow this process to continue for months in a row...please focus on getting more hands on the beds and ensure we keep an earth left for our kids with trees, plans and animals so we don't end up in the Wally scenario where we are all afraid for a....plant.

We're frikkin' organic. We are born, We shit. We pee. We make love and not war. We take care of the elderly, the young and the weak. We can do it as we have got least some of us who still dare to think for themselves as they realise themselves we are living in a democratic society...meaning...the governement isn't allowed to enter my private space...remember.....remember????

Oh...yeah......S2 2021 6.2 approved. I am getting lighter so no 6.2 on the Falcon speed anymore. I can't compensate for the nose pressure. It's really fun to explore another weight class and slowly but steadily I start to understand how I did it back then. I need a few racing days and then I am going to annoy you Serge so you will have to get faster....just kidding...your run was mental. I saw the chop rising in front of my eyes in a gust I couldn't handle anymore on my 5.0. Serge just went for it and I hardly dared to look at it as there was only one outcome...I thought.




Eerste sessie met de Futura

Weer wat meer wind dan verwacht en prima vlagen voor de Falcon89 en 6.3. Helaas stond ik op de Falcon 98 met 7.0 :( Met die set kon ik niet zoveel. Op een gegeven moment maar snel omgetuigd naar 6.3 en de snelste run gemaakt, maar daarna waren er niet zoveel harde vlagen meer te vinden.

Our Future. For most of us the now :-). Ahhh...who the beep cares....just take you vaccination and keep on living in fear for your own kids.


We block our kids from having fun while we litterally ate, drank and smoked ourselves to death. I am from the wooden boom original windsurfer era and while I was young cigarettes were being served by putting them in glasses on the  tables, teachers werre smoking in class.

We let millions die from hunger, cold, heat, thirst, we rape and bomb kids while we live la grande bouffe and call ourselves "modern" saying...ich habe es nicht gewusst....well...liebe Leute...wir haben es gewusst as death and disruption is on the news day in day out....well not we are busy killing chances for our own kids, the next stage in our dehumanizing efforts in which we treat our own kin as intensive lifestock cattle.

I have been imprisoned while walking my dog named Takkie. As it was 't a real dog the governement has decided they have got the right to do do so. I have to go to jail now for kindly asking for a more inclusive earth with less war, pollution and hatred . Could it...just perhaps...could it be something is wrong within "the system"? 

We...the wappies...also have a voice and we...the wappies...also care for the elderly and kids. We just disagree with "you" the other half thinking you are the Orwellian 1984 rulers. 

As if there are no alternatives like having special restaurants for the elderly, or festivals where people not being afraid can laugh and enjoy themselves as normal human beings. We will keep our distance from people wearing masks. No problem. We can sort it out as we all we are all loving and caring people respecitng others space.

And politicians, instead of telling me I need to wash my hands, wear a mask and I can't walk in clean air at given times of day and if we allow this process to continue for months in a row...please focus on getting more hands on the beds and ensure we keep an earth left for our kids with trees, plans and animals so we don't end up in the Wally scenario where we are all afraid for a....plant.

We're frikkin' organic. We are born, We shit. We pee. We make love and not war. We take care of the elderly, the young and the weak. We can do it as we have got least some of us who still dare to think for themselves as they realise themselves we are living in a democratic society...meaning...the governement isn't allowed to enter my private space...remember.....remember????

Oh...yeah......S2 2021 6.2 approved. I am getting lighter so no 6.2 on the Falcon speed anymore. I can't compensate for the nose pressure. It's really fun to explore another weight class and slowly but steadily I start to understand how I did it back then. I need a few racing days and then I am going to annoy you Serge so you will have to get faster....just kidding...your run was mental. I saw the chop rising in front of my eyes in a gust I couldn't handle anymore on my 5.0. Serge just went for it and I hardly dared to look at it as there was only one outcome...I thought.