by Nils Bach
11/26/2022 3:40:00 PM | |
happy with my performance today, started right at 9:30 where it was actually to square for once, but was superflat and fun, did some runs around 44, then the wind dropped completely for an hour and came back strong from the usual broad directions, improved my 500m again by almost 1 knot and got close to the magical 50 (49,5 3 times) but then it turned to broad for me to sail safely and gusts of 55 knots, so decided to leave it for now,
great experience, especially because of the people I was staying with over here :)
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by Heidi Ulrich
11/26/2022 4:50:00 PM | |
I'm soooo sad for vincent!! I/we really gave it all to help
h for breaking the WR.
i was happy with my speed today without pushing.
bye bye luderitz! Thanks for bei g good to me!!
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by Vincent Valkenaers
11/26/2022 10:10:00 PM | |
I gave it al was super broad today so super shoppy i did what i could do but the conditions where just not right for me came close again to the world record but close is not good enough. So the hunt continue.
Special thanx to my sponsers to bring me so far alera food
Neilpryde /jp-australia /zfins /noerstick / flexso
Hope i can find some more sponsors to go back again and break it ;)
Thnx to heidi and christian to help me so good we tryed all ;)
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by Hans Kreisel
11/27/2022 5:50:00 AM | |
Such a intens day started of straight on arrival we didn't even had time for skippers. The water was like a carpet and the first run directly 48,7 withouth much wind so i was superstoked because this is what i needed. Only the wind had to be strong when i noticed the direction was swinging i waited for the moment but the wind died. When it came back the direction was superbroad again. So we just decided to go for it and hope to catch a good angleswing on the course. Second run had exactly a spin out like yesterday but could just pull it back and push myself up again. Tried to get my confidence back what a struggle. So after a few runs took my 4,9 to have a little more controle it accelerated like mad but could not keep the power at the second part like everybody except Vinnie wel done hats off for that 53. Switched back to 5,3 again but just could not find that moment. Could have been a worldrecord day for sure if just the wind had just turned a little more east it was strong enough. Happy everybody is going home in one piece because the chop was nasty. Well done Heidi with wrecking Zara's WR and Melek with the German record and Oisin with the Irish record almost 50knots in his weightclass is outstanding
And a big shoutout to all my sponsors for giving me the opportunity to chase my dream of breaking the world record here in Luderitz and keeping the faith in me. ??
NEILPRYDE, JP-AUSTRALIA, Z-FINS, BAR DE STULP , Z8water, Houtlijn, Bouwmaat, Mark Baakman Interieurbouw and all the windsurfers that support me with buying the fastest fins in my webshop @ WWW.WINDSURFCANDY.COM
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by Jason Juretic
11/27/2022 6:40:00 AM | |
Neil Pryde EVO XII 5.2, AV 40cm board, 19.75cm Z fin and 19cm Sontag fin.
What an epic day with LOTS of pressure resulting in the pro's knocking out some HUGE 50+ knot speeds. HUGE respect for their courage and skill! I used my 5.2 up to 50knots but stepped off the course for a couple of hours when it started gusting to 63knots and I saw Hans Kreisel and Oisin change down to 4.9's.
For me I managed 5 runs, but really annoyingly strained my left bicep on the second run when a gust in the finishing area whipped my sail. On my last 3 runs I could hardly sheet in but had a crack. Such a shame as I was really hoping to get over 50knots for 2 seconds. Alas it was not to be. My max today was 47.97knots and not quite as much as my 48.26knots yesterday.
Today brought the event to a close. I have had a great time and very happy to raise my PB exponentially, make some greats and just enjoy the whole Luderitz Speed Challenge experience. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to know what they are capable of.
Signing off from Luderitz!
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by Nils Bach
11/28/2022 10:00:00 AM | |
happy with my performance today, started right at 9:30 where it was actually to square for once, but was superflat and fun, did some runs around 44, then the wind dropped completely for an hour and came back strong from the usual broad directions, improved my 500m again by almost 1 knot and got close to the magical 50 (49,5 3 times) but then it turned to broad for me to sail safely and gusts of 55 knots, so decided to leave it for now,
great experience, especially because of the people I was staying with over here :)
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by Kurosh Kiani
11/29/2022 11:25:00 PM | |
Fun day at the canal in Luderitz. As with other days I was there, the wind was broad and the canal was choppy, but it was still great fun.
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by Kurosh Kiani
11/30/2022 10:40:00 AM | |
Fun day at the canal in Luderitz. As with other days I was there, the wind was broad and the canal was choppy, but it was still great fun.
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by Kurosh Kiani
12/17/2022 10:35:00 AM | |
Fun day at the canal in Luderitz. As with other days I was there, the wind was broad and the canal was choppy, but it was still great fun.
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by Nils Bach
7/17/2023 1:10:00 PM | |
happy with my performance today, started right at 9:30 where it was actually to square for once, but was superflat and fun, did some runs around 44, then the wind dropped completely for an hour and came back strong from the usual broad directions, improved my 500m again by almost 1 knot and got close to the magical 50 (49,5 3 times) but then it turned to broad for me to sail safely and gusts of 55 knots, so decided to leave it for now,
great experience, especially because of the people I was staying with over here :)
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by Kurosh Kiani
7/17/2023 1:10:00 PM | |
Fun day at the canal in Luderitz. As with other days I was there, the wind was broad and the canal was choppy, but it was still great fun.
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