1Jacques van der Hout77,95
2Hans Kreisel76,17
3Stefan Brouwers73,63
4Andre Mook68,95
5Andre Hoogendam68,81
6Alex van der Meer68,36
7Menno Benningshof48,64
Wow what a nice start of the year. 10 degrees Celsius and a lot of wind what do you want more. This morning it seems to be that everything came together. Unfortunately my windsurf condition wasn't that good so I mist a lot of good runs. Great team show up. I was only disappointed that our new team members Hans and Jacques had other plans and took .............................................................................
This was major league, well to me anyway. Tried to keep up with the big boys, but did not have the balls to go for it. Conditions were rather perfect, maybe just a slightly too wide angle.
Confidence was the main key, and I only had 1 run were I felt OK; the rest of the runs I either had to break off because of too big gusts, or I was sailing with the brake on...
So in the end sailed very few miles, and did only 1 OK run, the rest is just bad statistics. But for a first time in these kind of conditions I have learned a lot again. That was the main goal.
Yeah baby.....just the beginning of 2011....first time on this spot and a NEW PR. The 2 best runs went so easy....hopefully a lot of more runs this year.

Andre's dad made some great pics.........and there's a new spot record
First session of the year and it was fun. Speed was bad, but I enjoyed myself together with almost all GCT members. I think we are going to do well this year.....
Extreem goede omstandigheden en toch werd ik extreem gefrustreerd... onderarmen al meteen verzuurd! Blijkbaar wordt ik een ouwe zak...
Achteraf is het natuurlijk wel super als je na zo'n akelig koude winter met een hoop vrienden kan gaan varen in zulke mooie omstandigheden en met zulke mooie spullen.
En meteen de eerste sessie van het nieuwe jaar al over de 70 gaat.
Hopelijk ben ik tijdens de volgende topdag lichamelijk wel klaar!
Good session to start with in 2011. Nice to meet the members of our new GPSTC Team.
Also first session with the new EvoIII, not even fine tuned, so really happy with this sail! Improved the spotrecord with 7km.
Had fun today with the GCT and finally found my trim for the 21fin with the 6,2 but i'm even more happy with this spot in my backyard didn't know it was this good. 500m could have been better stopped 7sec to early