1Hans Kreisel76,64
2Gino Van Mieghem65,29
3Robert Jan Bouws62,84
4Pieter Stigter62,79
5Dennis Klaaijsen61,93
6Dennis Klaaijsen61,93
7Dennis Klaaijsen61,9
8Harry Bol60,03
9Tim Aerts59,43
10Patrick Heijmans58,27
11Koen van der Avoort57,1
12John Schilperoort57,07
13Marco Smeele55,81
14Leo Jansen53,67
15Bart van Es52,79
16Kristien De Jaeck50,12
17Louis Pas43,6

supersessie op Zonnemaire gehad. Begonnen met de 107 maar die rond de middag verwisseld voor de 97. Rond 16.00 uur werd 7.2 wat te groot.

Verder getuige geweest van de recordpoging van Dennis Klaaijsen die vanmorgen rond 4.30 uur is opgestapt in een poging het 24 uur record terug te pakken. Zelf ook nog even Omroep Zeeland te woord gestaan.

Go Dennis go!!

Enkel de spot verkend, nog niet eens echt gespeed.. Gelijk wat PR's gevaren :) Helaas nam de wind op het einde teveel toe waardoor ik maar heb afgetuigd. Ik ga hier zeker vaker varen, wat een top spot!

Gaaf om de grote mannen ook eens aan t werk te zien. Dennis succes met je wereldrecord!

gewoon lekker dagje

Hij was weer fijn!

Super dagje weer met >100 km surfen

eerste rakjes met de 81 en 101 l

Samen met RJ

Stoked with the number fastest run and alpha i did with the 7,0 and 54speed, Rest of the runs was with the 6,4 and 50speed The hour i used my 7,0  and 59slalom. Happy it wasn't overcrowded on the water and see everybody having a good time.

Dennis K was still going strong for his distance record attempt and he's planning to go around the clock good luck to him.yes


yihaaaa...zalig surfdagje langs de dammetjes van Zonnemaire....mee met Gino.

Is altijd weer wennen...

Haha ....een ALPHA PR-ke gevaren...'t is een kleintje...maar happy!


Records fall....


New world record 24 hours distance.


More details later, first sleep.......



Gefeliciteerd Dennis!
Proficiat Dennis ! Ook aan k10 voor haar alpha ... ;-)

Knap gedaan Dennis !

The day after……… Coming to grips with it, what a fantastic day it was. Huge amount of support from friends and family, I could not have done it without them.

At 01.30 the alarm went off and together with my wingman  Pepijn Luke, my  mother and sister we drove to Zonnemaire. At 03.00 the boat went in the water and I rigged three sets. 04.50 it was light enough to start and I straight away had a feeling of  deja vu from last year. It was exactly one year and one day ago that I started my first attempt  at the Veerse lake and just like then  the first couple of hours were filled with rain showers and gusty winds from a far from  ideal direction.  As I was going for  a 24 hour attempt I know you have to take lesser conditions aswell in the day  Does a perfect 24 hour  exsist?

After the first three hours the rain showers became less frequent and the wind veered to the expected west south west direction. In the stand by boat which was at anchor at the starting point,  was the supply of water and food that I used during the day. This meant I did not have to go back to the shore for replenishments.

 During the course of the day it picked up to a steady force 7 at around 16.00. Conditions were great and my buddies Pim Kraan and Pepijn Luke  joined me to get some kilometers on the GPS. The avarege speeds was 34 km/hr including breaks. Cruising speeds were 45-60 kilometers per hour with peak speeds of 71 km/hr.

At 15.00 it was time for the first proper break and I came ashore for pasta and a rest. So many friends and family were there to support me, it felt great.

Local media came for an interview and they made awesome footage  that made the national news the next day. Good promotion for a fantastic sport.

 At around 21.15 I passed the bench mark of 550 kilometer  and had another 7.5 hours  to complete the 24 hour record session

At this point my sisters her boyfriend Sjoerd together with Lars and Pepijn started to rig the lights on all the objects on the lake for the night time surf session.  Around 23.00 I surfed 600 kilometers and changed into my winter wetsuit after another carb loading.

At around midnight the wind shifted to a more westerly direction and new rain showers made the wind come a go.  The challenge of the night time sailing was trying to stay planing.  In the dark  you don’t see the wind gusts or luls;  this was  extremely draining.  At 02.00 the winds were  light and my body and mind,  exhaused from the mamoth session, called it a day.

A satisfying 630 kilometers on both GPsunits. This will be verified by the time keepers of GPS speedsurfing and after a deduction of a possible GPS error margin I expect to get and number of around 615 kilometer.


A more detailed report is in the making, as well a short movie of the preparation and day itself.


Second GPS readout:

The day after……… Coming to grips with it, what a fantastic day it was. Huge amount of support from friends and family, I could not have done it without them.

At 01.30 the alarm went off and together with my wingman  Pepijn Luke, my  mother and sister we drove to Zonnemaire. At 03.00 the boat went in the water and I rigged three sets. 04.50 it was light enough to start and I straight away had a feeling of  deja vu from last year. It was exactly one year and one day ago that I started my first attempt  at the Veerse lake and just like then  the first couple of hours were filled with rain showers and gusty winds from a far from  ideal direction.  As I was going for  a 24 hour attempt I know you have to take lesser conditions aswell in the day  Does a perfect 24 hour  exsist?

After the first three hours the rain showers became less frequent and the wind veered to the expected west south west direction. In the stand by boat which was at anchor at the starting point,  was the supply of water and food that I used during the day. This meant I did not have to go back to the shore for replenishments.

 During the course of the day it picked up to a steady force 7 at around 16.00. Conditions were great and my buddies Pim Kraan and Pepijn Luke  joined me to get some kilometers on the GPS. The avarege speeds was 34 km/hr including breaks. Cruising speeds were 45-60 kilometers per hour with peak speeds of 71 km/hr.

At 15.00 it was time for the first proper break and I came ashore for pasta and a rest. So many friends and family were there to support me, it felt great.

Local media came for an interview and they made awesome footage  that made the national news the next day. Good promotion for a fantastic sport.

 At around 21.15 I passed the bench mark of 550 kilometer  and had another 7.5 hours  to complete the 24 hour record session

At this point my sisters her boyfriend Sjoerd together with Lars and Pepijn started to rig the lights on all the objects on the lake for the night time surf session.  Around 23.00 I surfed 600 kilometers and changed into my winter wetsuit after another carb loading.

At around midnight the wind shifted to a more westerly direction and new rain showers made the wind come a go.  The challenge of the night time sailing was trying to stay planing.  In the dark  you don’t see the wind gusts or luls;  this was  extremely draining.  At 02.00 the winds were  light and my body and mind,  exhaused from the mamoth session, called it a day.

A satisfying 630 kilometers on both GPsunits. This will be verified by the time keepers of GPS speedsurfing and after a deduction of a possible GPS error margin I expect to get and number of around 615 kilometer.


A more detailed report is in the making, as well a short movie of the preparation and day itself.