1Pete Young69,78
2Stephen Corps66,75
3Lee Spencer64,21
4John Kennedy57,22
5David Laird56,08
6Shemi Adams53,8
7Chris Pankhurst 50,69
8Neil Hackett49,26
9George Morris40,76

There's lots of promising red and purple on wind guru for the next few days so hopefully this wasn't my last sail of the year.

One run at low tide was the best so far ever!!!

When the tide was high in the morning it was evil, no wind to start, far too much in the middle then nothing to bear off with. Low tide it dropped then came back with a bit more consistency.

What a session, really shows how tough it is to get results at Portland in anything less than perfect conditions, direction was bad, it was mega gusty and the tide was draining like mad but I had an amazing time.

It was a bit of a tough session but Steve, Lea and Pete made it look too easy by far!

I was STOKED for Shemi Adams to get his first peak over 30knts, tough conditions to do it in buddy!

 "Im just  off christmas shopping love", Allright see you later " STRAIGHT DOWN THE ARBOUR "

 Ye aint seen me rite  ( ya cant shop in this  weather its terrible !)

so bumpy was like a flick book on me eyes  made um  see double

Great day today a portlandit was hard work

but i manage to get my PB just befor the end of the year

very happy smiley

Thanks to Lea spencer and john kenndy for all the tips



Tricky conditions, very choppy and gusty. Mission for next year is to get fitter!