1Simon Hinkley70,92
2Johnny Walker66,11
3Adam Gustafsson65,86
4Paul Morris65,12
5Nic Dodd62,12

A great start to 2014.  I am sure I was the slowest at St Johns today but with the quality of sailors on the water there is no shame! A good sail with great company.

Was a bit of a mission to get upwind to the top of the long course, but well worth the effort.

Not a bad start to the new year apart from a broken rib and a broken sail!

Great fun to be on the water with all the speed crew.

Very beamy but fun slingshotting into the channel.

Johnny vapor went onto the big course, cos he's got big balls.


Great Start to the year.

Some good wind and a decent low tide for St Johns. I didn't want to sail my small speedboard so went with the slalom. In the end the board was a little too big to be really comfortable on the course, I also really struggled to get any speed at all on the square part of the run but acceleration was ok on the slingshot, pretty much was doing 38 vmaxes every bear off.

Had one big crash at the start too which shot the confidence a little!

Well done to Simon who was getting awesome acceleration on the square part of the course and super smooth slingshots, he looked a few knots faster than all of us and his results are really superb for the day. Looks like Jonny had some good runs on the long course too - Well Done.

Sorry to the team, I didn't do any alphas or other stuff. I'm getting out again hopefully soon and will sail better next time