1Alain De Gendt76,78

What a nice praktice day, first I had some fun with the Air Wave inflatable board and the new Firewing on the canal, Erik Beale and I had the first ever WSSRC approved 500m runs. He was the first to pâss the 10 kts barrier!!!! but I ended up with the fastest time by doing 13,03kts that was big fun, hope doing that 20 kts later this event.

Then I started using and switching normal speedboards.

I used the RRD 40 Speed V7, PC39 and PD39. But I also played with the lead. Doing 40+ kts average runs, then I took off the 10kilo I was using and suddenly went more then 3 kts slower, then I took the vest again and ended the day with a 41,35 kts regarding the video checked rundetails. I think this proves it again....

My GPS device is about to die I Think, it's starting to flip a bit since a few weeks, I will not use it again for the really good days, I hope Jac can do a reanimation on it.