1Stephen Squirrell38,71

There was talk of the local kitesurfers going down at 6 this morning to catch low water but it was raining and the wind was light early so decided to have a lay in :) Even though it was windy enough to sail from about 10:30 the tide was now high and a NE is much better as the tide drops, so I waited until the tide started to drop. I managed to repair a couple of sails in the garden and finally went to The Dip at 2ish and there was no one out :( With wind gusting to 16 mph I rigged the 8.5 and took out the 310 and was out for an hour and a half planning most of the time until the wind dropped at the end! As always with the wind in this direction there is a nice section of flat water by kite beach but the wind was light here. Nevertheless I had some nice runs in the flatish water, I tried going in the River Deben once but the tide was very strong and the wind very light so I wobbled out through some really rough water! I then sailed out away to try for a mile run but sadly the wind was light now and it was a job to keep going! It was so close to being a reaally good session just a little more wind required! Tomorrow is looking poor - wind all over the place and rain, typical Bank Holiday!!!
