
sorry, but autoupload is not working currently due to more strict security settings that have been implemented. Working on a solution

should be solved now pleae try again.

Yep, it works again ! Keep up the good work Dylan !!

Try to Upload a Track. Its from Garmin etrex 10. I try it on two ways: first direct from this site....No data Found.  Second: via GPS results...No Data found. What is my failure??


Aloha Type-o

Hier werkt het nog niet...

Hi Dylan

Also I Cant Change a Board...Is that the problem??? "PSBS: Error loading usercontrol my/boards.ascx°...


Kind Regards


can you try it again?

try via:

no..:( i ´ve try it via your link...

It works again here via the normal track upload.!! Well done