1Jack Roberts50,2

After almost a month off the water, I managed to tie my old max speed on this combo down to the hundredth with a 29.44 kt. Notably, however, I was using the top clew today whereas I was using the bottom clew when I first got 29.44 kt. The water was also significantly choppier today with reflections and backwash from the dam. The wind was as gusty as always, so instead of speed I focused more on getting into the straps quickly and made nice progress on that front. I wasn't able to break 30 kts on the 9.4, but I'm still overall satisfied with my performance.

After almost a month off the water, I managed to tie my old max speed on this combo down to the hundredth with a 29.44 kt. Notably, however, I was using the top clew today whereas I was using the bottom clew when I first got 29.44 kt. The water was also significantly choppier today with reflections and backwash from the dam. The wind was as gusty as always, so instead of speed I focused more on getting into the straps quickly and made nice progress on that front. I wasn't able to break 30 kts on the 9.4, but I'm still overall satisfied with my performance.