1Erik Loots56,85
2Gauke de Vries53,71
3Erik Schram53,61
4Niek Looze49,28
Vlagerige wind en hij zette niet echt door. Toch lekker gevaren en
onverwacht sneller gevaren dan een starboard addict.
Nice day, much better than yesterday!!! Had the oppurtunity to test Erik Schram his Sonntag SL-P 40cm, this was the fastest run ;). I know for sure the SL-P and me will be good friends. The difference between SL-S and SL-P is serious, only not in performance. 

The SL-P is a safe ride and you can concentrate on the wind only. No matter what waterstate you can smash it. Like the Select S10 39cm.  

The SL-S is a low drag feeling, but you have to find a nice path, soo the focus is not only on the wind but also on a smooth downwind run. Slowly turning downwind etc..

SPeeddifference was only 0.5km/h on peak and run, soo I concluded the fins equal in speedpotential in these conditions. Only total different feeling on the water.
vlagerig vandaag, maar weer even lekker gevaren.
resultaat niet top, vooral omdat reflex addict mij er met 0,1 km gem. eruit heeft gevaren ( maar minder verchil dan hij dacht ha ha)