1Ben Tilston62,01
2Rik Jones57,53

Best days speed sailing at Rutland ever!!!

Hadn't even looked at the foecast but when I got to the lake it looked like a few more PB's could be had with the wind ENE and a couple of knots stronger than Sunday.

This kit had been in the trailer for a while but it felt great straight off the beach and I soon found my way up to the speed strip.  Tried various lines and  timings with the gusts but ultimately it seemed it all came down to pot luck whether you could get a good run but I think persistance told and  after a good few runs trying I managed to increase my 10s Av. by over 2kts and get a max of 35.41kt on the screen.  Rutland PB's also for 100m, 250m, & 500m,

Get in!!!!