1Werner Roeers55,85
2Ingo van Lessen44,83
3Ingo van Lessen44,26
4Ingo van Lessen37,15

Super SL Tag am Homespot.
Mit neuer Bestzeit für die Meile auf dem Spot smiley

Choppy, but very nice day. My Gaastra Flow 2x (8.0) did its last windsurf job. I loved that sail, but now it can be used for a puppet theater. I had an incredible clear view through the sail - after that crash :( But nevermind, in the end a great day :)

Just tested some old stuff. Board is hard to ride, but extremly fast. I think there will be much more fun with less gusty wind.

Because of a broken sail, I had to use an old one. Not really good, but works.